
Total Assignments: 719

Briefly discuss any changes in individual significance levels when using robust standard errors.

Q. Briefly discuss any changes in individual significance levels when using robust standard errors.Q. Write down the expression for the fitted value of nettfa using the estimated coefficients and standard notation for regressors: inc,inc2,inc3, etc. Q. Write down the partial derivative of the fitted value with respect to inc; it estimates the effect of a one-unit increase in income.(c) Plot the predicted average wealth as a function of income for 35-year-old m...

Using the data provided, select the data corresponding to any country you choose (only one) for the period 1960-2016, and save it in a separate file.

Points to cover in your report 1. (10%) Using the data provided, select the data corresponding to any country you choose (only one) for the period 1960-2016, and save it in a separate file. ...

Decision-makers in government rely on the advice of experts when formulating policy or discharging their statutory responsibilities.

1 Introduction Decision-makers in government rely on the advice of experts when formulating policy or discharging their statutory responsibilities. In this assignment you will take the role of an expert economist, employed by a government department. An expert economist’s role in the government decision-making process is two-fold: • Analysis: Economists use their specialist knowledge and skills to analyse the likely outcomes of policy alte...

You will be working on a project where you use multivariate regression analysis to analyze economic data

You will be working on a project where you use multivariate regression analysis to analyze economic data. You will be responsible for determining the research question, formulating the regression model, finding the relevant data and papers, performing the analysis and discussing the results. Chapter 19 in Wooldridge’s “Introductory Econometrics” has many useful examples and suggestions for carrying out an empirical project...

According to the content of the documentary, What is a universal health system?

You will access the documentary SICKO (through Netflix, Vudu,You Tube or by any other means). The documentary deals with the proposal to establish auniversal health care system by the United States government.Once the documentary has been seen, each student must send a written document with thefollowing information (question and answer):...

For this assignment, we use a survey on cannabis consumption in Canada. The survey was conducted in 2017 by Statistics Canada.

For this assignment, we use a survey on cannabis consumption in Canada. The survey was conducted in 2017 by Statistics Canada. The dataset is saved into the file A5datai.rda, where i is the number assigned to you in Quiz 6. The dataset A5data included in the file contains 17 variables. The data was obtained through the University Library website. You click on the “file & resources” tab and choose “Statistics & numerical data”. You then click on “ODESI Data Retrieval”. ODESI stands for “Ontari...

Suppose a consumer has the following utility function: U(x1,x2) = alnx1 + (1-a)lnx2

Find the Marginal Rate of Substitution (MRS) for the following utility functions:a. U(X,Y) = X0.3Y0.4b. U(X,Y) = XaY1-a2. Suppose a consumer has the following utility function: U(x1,x2) = alnx1 + (1-a)lnx2a. Use the Lagrange method to find the demand functions for x1 and x2b. Suppose the price of good 1 is $10 and the price of good 2 is $20 and the consumer’sincome is $500. Find the quantities of x1 and x2 if a=1/2.3. A consumer has the following utility f...

Define informal rural credit market. Explain with suitable example the theories/strategies(credit rationing/collateral)that have adopted in the informal rural credit market to minimize the risk of default of borrower.

Define informal rural credit market. Explain with suitable example the theories/strategies(credit rationing/collateral)that have adopted in the informal rural credit market to minimize the risk of default of borrower....

A manufacturing firm produces and sells 3000 units of a product X, Where its average cost is equal to the marginal cost and makes only normal profit.

A manufacturing firm produces and sells 3000 units of a product X,  Where its average cost is equal to the marginal cost and makes only normal profit. Next year, the firm gets an order of additional 500 units. Should the firm, a profit maximizing one, accept or reject the order? Explain and Justify your answer by using imaginary cost curves. ...

Many countries have an immigration system that prefers immigrants with needed skills, wealth, or higher education.

Many countries have an immigration system that prefers immigrants with needed skills, wealth, or higher education.  Do recent immigrants actually have better labor market outcomes (such as lower unemployment) if they have more education?  Do they have better outcomes compared to citizens with similar education?  After completing this assignment, you will be able to, with some time and patience, compare the labor market situations of citizens and noncitizens to ...

Include class conection material (These are the readings, you don't have to include all of them) just giving options:

STATE: NEW YORKDo assignment on tableau desktop and Microsoft wordMicrosoft word- 5 pages total (3 page analysis + Reference page + Dashboard export image)APA FormatInclude class conection material (These are the readings, you don't have to include all of them) just giving options:New Geography of Jobs...

The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World, Jack

SOC135_ Assignment 2 - 10% of the total (marked out of 30).Due: 11:00pm Class 8.Please answer the following questions based on the readings. The readings covered are: The New Population Bomb: The Four Megatrends That Will Change the World, Jack A. Goldstone.Adolescent Fertility in Nigeria: Implications for Economic Growth, Ozieng...

Make the dashboard as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and don't forget to include the description and data sources.

STATE: NEW YORKDesired occupation after graduation: EconomicsDo Tableau work on Tableau desktop.  Make the dashboard as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and don't forget to include the description and data sources.Data Sources:Nedds, W. (2017)."Occupations by State and Likelihood of Automation" via C.B. Frey and M.A. Osborne  (2013)....

Desired occupation after graduation: Economics

STATE: NEW YORKDesired occupation after graduation: EconomicsDo Tableau work on Tableau desktop.  Make the dashboard as aesthetically pleasing as possible, and don't forget to include the description and data sources.Data Sources:...

Revise the sets of notes included in Units 1 to 3 before attempting this question.

Question 1Revise the sets of notes included in Units 1 to 3 before attempting this question.Consider a competitive market for land, in which supply is perfectly inelastic (the amount of land supplied is finite), and the demand curve has a standard shape. Suppose the government needs X units of land for development purposes, and has two options to obtain the land required. The first option is to expropriate the land, i.e. take the land from the...

What is scarcity?Define it with some explaination

What is scarcity?Define it with some explaination What is Demand Induced? and what is Supply Induced ?what is Market? what is the defination with some explaination ?Definition of Rent ? and Definition of Capital ?...

What is the difference between positive and normative analysis?

Instructions: Answer ALL Questions. Include referencing where additional sources have been used. APA format is recommended Question 1 a. Explain why scarcity leads to tradeoffs. b. What is the difference between positive and normative analysis? Which of the following statements would entail positive analysis, and which normative analysis? i. Internet auction companies will erode the profits of local automobile dealerships. ii. The government shoul...

What is the difference between positive and normative analysis?

Instructions: Answer ALL Questions. Include referencing where additional sources have been used. APA format is recommended Question 1 a. Explain why scarcity leads to tradeoffs.b. What is the difference between positive and normative analysis? Which of the following statements would entail positive analysis, and which normative analysis? i. Internet auction companies will erode the profits of local automobile dealerships. ii. The government should impose s...