
Total Assignments: 2928

Develop a written study of a sociological Gender in schools (see the links of books below) that has consequences for classrooms or learning environments.

I need to a written study on belowDevelop a written study of a sociological Gender in schools (see the links of books below) that has consequences for classrooms or learning environments. Apply sociological imagination to analyse the implications for student learning.Identify relevant teaching, learning and/or assessment strategies, relating to the varying learning needs and styles and different socio-cultural contexts.&nbs...

Discuss the following motifs as portrayed in Can Themba’s short stories, with reference to The Suit, Crepuscule, and The Will To Die:

HEEA041: Assignment 1                              Marks: 100Discuss the following motifs as portrayed in Can Themba’s short stories, with reference to The Suit, Crepuscule, and The Will To Die:Escapism Flirtation with danger ...

In the development of students, any activity of student life plays an important role.

IntroductionIn the development of students, any activity of student life plays an important role. Co-curricular activities are an essential aspect of school life and contribute to the improvement of student learning processes. Co-curricular activities are mandatory activities that any student has to take part in. Co-learners are structured to ensure that anyone can read outside subjects and are balanced with academic instruction. Coworker p...

Philosophy Statement connected to professional standards

Assignment 1B Philosophy Statement connected to professional standards Students will write a personal philosophy relevant to working as a teacher in early childhood education (0-8 years). The personal philosophy should identify: • understandings and beliefs about young children and how theylearn • understandings and beliefs about effective pedagogies for the earlyyears• understandi...

After five years of teaching elementary students in my home country, I obtained the fantastic opportunity to come to the United States to teach at Selma elementary school.

After five years of teaching elementary students in my home country, I obtained the fantastic opportunity to come to the United States to teach at Selma elementary school. I have developed myself professionally as a second-grade teacher for four years. This new chan...

You are required to implement one care and one education routine in an ECCE setting. The following components are required for each routine:

                              Guidelines: You are required to implement one care and one education routine in an ECCE setting.  The following components are required for each routine: ...

One of the challenges organizations face is persuading both internal and external audiences to accept change, particularly when that change is likely to induce negative reaction

This is the replacement assignment for One of the challenges organizations face is persuading both internal and external audiences to accept change, particularly when that change is likely to induce negative reaction (e.g., price increases, employee layoffs). For this assignment, you will need to select one of the following scenarios: (a) an organization who has been found guilty of environmental p...

Communications Plan Portfolio: Timeline and Evaluation

COM-510 Topic 7 Communications Plan Portfolio: Timeline and EvaluationPart I: TimelineCreate a timeline for the implementation of your Communications Plan by doing the following:Choose 10 activities that you will do to make sure your Communications Plan is fully implemented in the most effective way possible (Assess stakeholders current attitudes toward the change, prod...

Based on the research findings, the above title is suggested to unravel the problems, challenges or even good practices among school leaders and even designated teachers in an area of specialization.

PERCEIVED LEADERSHIP STYLES OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN SOUTHERN LEYTE DIVISION (Based on the research findings, the above title is suggested to unravel the problems, challenges or even good practices among school leaders and even designated teachers in an area of specialization. As a synopsis, Leadership Style is a leader's style of how they motivate people, providing direction ...

news release that announces your organizational change to external stakeholders.

COM-510 Topic 6 Communications Plan Portfolio: News Release TemplateWrite a 500-750-word news release that announces your organizational change to external stakeholders. Please use the template below to ensure it is written in an industry-standard format typically used in press releases. Once you have completed writing the news release, delete the template prompts so that only your news release remains. ...

Communications Plan Portfolio: Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis:

Assignment:  Communications Plan Portfolio:  Internal and External Stakeholder Analysis:  ...

Pemberian aktivitas ice breaking merupakan salah satu strategi yang digunakan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa di kelas.

Pemberian aktivitas ice breaking merupakan salah satu strategi yang digunakan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa di kelas. Akan tetapi ada beberapa poin yang masyarakat luas khususnya para guru belum mengetahui secara rinci yaitu perihal jenis ice breaking, waktu yang tepat durasi yang dan apakah terdapat hubungan antara persepsi siswa tentang pe...

Show your team spirit by joining us for a fundraiser to support Piedmont Hills High School PAWS Club.

Show your team spirit by joining us for a fundraiser to support Piedmont Hills High School PAWS Club. Come in to the Chipotle at 1095 E Brokaw Rd Ste 70 in San Jose on Wednesday, December 2nd between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Bring in this flyer, show it on your smartphone or tell the cashier you’re supporting the cause to make sure that 33% of the proceeds will be donated to Piedmont Hills High School PAWS Club...

The study's purpose was to evaluate whether updated, transformational, and learner-centered career-based workshops benefit military veterans transitioning back to civilian life in the United States.

IntroductionThe study's purpose was to evaluate whether updated, transformational, and learner-centered career-based workshops benefit military veterans transitioning back to civilian life in the United States. This researcher used a mixed-methods approach to gather both quantitative and qualitative data. The qualitative approach consisted interviews with veterans and the quantitative employed the use...

Theory Capsules Referenced Articles are highlighted below.

Assignment Title:  Theory Capsules  Referenced Articles are highlighted below....

In this project, it is aimed to do some operations on a photograph using Python libraries.

In this project, it is aimed to do some operations on a photograph using Python libraries. The project is a continuation of the intermediate project and aims to add additional modules to the intermediate project. To be able to do the project, we first need to understand how a picture is saved on the computer. In summary, a picture is kept in the form of a 3D matrix in the computer. Each element of the matrix corresponds to the color value...