Total Assignments: 823
Rules for submitting assignments 1. All assignments are to be submitted to Canvas. Do not email them. I do not grade anything submitted by email. ...
Multiple Outputs) system is a very difficult task to perform in practice. Most often, it boils down to minimization of the coupling effects instead of full decoupling. As control of MIMO dynamic systems enjoys a continuous attention [1], [2], a challenging task becomes to include the dynamic decoupling problem [3]–[14]. In [1], an automatic two-step procedure for tuning of Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) controller for a Two Inp...
Develop a Matlab simulation program for the time-domain solution for the following circuit:The program should read a netlist file (excel format) with the circuit components and sources. The simulation is over t ∈ [0 , 30] seconds with a fixed increment h = 0.25 second and an initial condition of [V , Q]T = [0 , 0]T. The current J(t) is given as follows:ANALYSISDevelop subroutines to read the netlist and estab...
Introduction In this project you will develop firmware for an auto-ranging DC voltmeter based on the Arduino Nano platform and analog hardware. To avoid hardware and wiring errors, the entire project will be developed on Proteus VSM with ideal components. In automatic mode, the voltmeter automatically sets the appropriate range to display the greatest resoluti...
The figure above shows a simplified circuit of 80- serial-connected LED lamps of which each V...
Need only Task C from Q1 TO Q6 and in point (vi) of task c, include a neat sketch of the circuit diagram of the appropriate protection circuit in your report.important points: 1. report should not be longer than 3000 words (excluding contents, tables,figures, and references) 2.It is important you aid any explanations/comments you provide in this course work with appropriate academic refer...
Conference paper writing This note provides details of the second coursework where you are required to submit a typical 4 to 6 page double column conference paper. You will select a topic from the list provided below. This is an individual-based assessment. Topic: Review of smart grid communication systems and IEC61850 standard Abstract :Clearly a...
I will begin by showing an overall graphic of what the project is supposed to look like and then a few detail graphics that identify details so the student can understand what the project is intended to look like as you work your way through the project directive. ...
Instructions: 1) Download from Moodle a comma-separated value file (**.csv) with your student ID (SID) as the file name – for example, if your SID is EE0100106 then the file you should download is EE0100106.csv. The file contains a unique dataset that you will be using for the assignment. This dataset consists of 320 16-bit (2-byte) unsigned hexadecimal numbe...
Coursework brief: In this open-ended assignment you are asked to perform a preliminary analysis and design of a deep foundation supporting a wind-turbine, applying all the relevant theoretical and analytical tools offered in this module, to model the soil behaviour and the Soil-StructureInteraction effects. The available data are limited to the design loads and some basic information regarding the soil material. You must complete the missi...
Coursework brief: In this open-ended assignment you are asked to perform a preliminary analysis and design of a deep foundation supporting a wind-turbine, applying all the relevant theoretical and analytical tools offered in this module, to model the soil behaviour and the Soil-StructureInteraction effects. The available data are limited to the design loads and some basic information regarding the soil material. You must complete the missi...
Instructions: Draw any commercial building of your choice with the following requirements: • At least 5000 ft2 • One male and one female bathroom • Room tags with room names must be placed in every room • Structural columns must be placed throughout the building accordingly • Structural beams or joists must be placed as structural elements • Doors and windows must be present • Place any families you wish to use ...
Plot both solutions with points instead of solid lines. What do you see? ode15s solver is appropriate for stiff ODEs. This means that the solver can adjust its step-size to be small when accuracy is needed in regions of rapid changes and to be bigger in regions where the solution is changing slowly without worrying about having to maintain stability. Even though the cost per time step is generally more expensive than a non-stiff solver, the stiff solvers usually are able to take bigger time...
Assignment: Your project will consist of four drawings (four sheets, three 2D drawings and one 3D drawing): 1. Draw three bolted steel connections in 2-D (not welded). Your drawings shall include one of each of the three types of connections: a. Beam-to-Column b. Beam-to-Beam or Beam-to-Girder (90 degree) c. Beam Splice Each connection shall be plotted to an appropriate scale on a separate piece of letter-sized paper...
Part I – Estimation of Threshold voltage and MOSFET Transconductance (kn) Connect two separate power supplies to the Drain and Gate of your MOSFET. Apply a large VDS voltage (5V).Connect the Source to ground and use the ammeter to measure the drain current (between the VDD source and the drain of the transistor).Adjust the Gate voltage until the current is approximately equal to 20mA. Remember that if VGS < Vt, then the transistor will be i...
In this simulation-based assignment, you will utilize MATLAB to implement two different procedures for mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in discrete time, utilizing both linear least squares and the linear, discrete-time Kalman filter.Problem Statement Consider the mobile robot illustrated in the figure below. It ...
In this simulation-based assignment, you will utilize MATLAB to implement two different procedures for mobile robot simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in discrete time, utilizing both linear least squares and the linear, discrete-time Kalman filter. Problem Statement ...
Extenuating CircumstancesIf there are any exceptional circumstances that may have affected your ability to undertake or submit this assignment, make sure you contact the Advice Centre on your campus prior to your submission deadline.Fit to sit policy: The University operates a fit to sit policy whereby you, in submitting or presenting yourself for an assessment, are declaring that you...
Description Summary:The Professional’s Guilt-tripper can provide busy professionals with the reminders and motivation to stay connected with the important people in their lives. More than a contact manager, the Professional’s Guilt Tripper focuses on the important emotional needs and family connections that can be neglected when busy professionals are overwhelmed with their professional commitments, maintaining an improved work-life b...
Y = x0h0 + x1h1 + x2h2 ………. x9h9Compute Y in one clock cycle.Compute Y keeping in mind that no two different arithmetic operations will take place in same clock edge.Compute Y assuming you have TWO multipliers and ONE adderCompute Y assuming there is no Multiplier module is available. You should not replace multiplier by shifted addition or repetitive additions. You can use memory. Consider the values of h0,…, h9 are known beforehan...
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