
Total Assignments: 1201

The discussions in the Lectures in our weekly Content will help with our assignments, including this assignment.

There are three parts to this assignment:Assignment for the ITP-2 Project Deliverable - Part 1 - WBSReview your project charter and the overview of the ITP posted in the Syllabus and in the previous project assignment. Then, individually, develop and submit a project work breakdown structure (WBS) as described in the textbook and LEO Conferences (and other valid sources, such as and submit in MS Project .mpp format.  If it is...

As mentioned in the module introduction, one of the challenges for government managers is identifying important externalities and understanding their implication for the organization.

Web Field Trip: PEST AnalysisAs mentioned in the module introduction, one of the challenges for government managers is identifying important externalities and understanding their implication for the organization. One fairly straightforward tool for environmental scanning is a PEST analysis. PEST stands for political, economic, social, and tech...

One of the important external trends we need to track involves changes in governance (politics)

TEDTalk - The Next Age of GovernmentOne of the important external trends we need to track involves changes in governance (politics). David Cameron, the former United Kingdom Prime Minister, suggests that we are entering a new era where governments have less power and money, and technology is helping empower people in new ways. He goes on to suggest that there is an opportunity to remake ...

Diversity programs in organisations contribute to performance improvement and competitive advantage.

Diversity programs in organisations contribute to performance improvement and competitive advantage. Discuss critically, with reference to the academic literature, on how to capitalise on the benefits and minimise the potential costs of diversity within an organisation....

Dr. Robert Smith owned his family practice for over 20 years. He came from a family of success. His father was a brain surgeon and his mother a well-known author. His younger brother, Saul, owned his own accounting firm for several years, but came to work

Dr. Robert Smith owned his family practice for over 20 years. He came from a family of success. His father was a brain surgeon and his mother a well-known author. His younger brother, Saul, owned his own accounting firm for several years, but came to work with Dr. Smith after he sold it for a modest amount.After graduating at the top of his class from Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Smith was awarded a cardiothoracic surgery fellowship in New York. He spent a few years there and wa...

Critically evaluate the relationship between the organisation’s, corporate, business and operational strategies

Instructions:Following your presentation, you should now prepare a new strategic plan:COMPANY SELECTED IS FABINDIACritically evaluate the relationship between the organisation’s, corporate, business and operational strategiesApply strategic models and tools to recommend strategic options for the organisation...

For this assignment you are to watch the movie Moneyball (2011) and write a paper discussing four uniquely different lessons that any business can use to help their success.

cThe paper is limited to a title page, two pages of content and a bibliography. (Hint: There is one source every student should have)The paper needs to be submitted in .pdf format. There are copies of Moneyball in the library as well it is currently available on Netflix. ...

Does creating an innovative organization require excellent leadership qualities?

Topic : Does creating an innovative organization require excellent leadership qualities?The exam paper is a essay that includes students’ reasoned opinions and assessments on the views presented or the problem addressed in the literature. An essay is a short and argumentative, often critical, reasoning on a topic, problem or phenomenon. Even though essays express and present the author’s personal opinions or views, it is important to address the problem in a logical, argumentativ...

Visit The Employment Studies Institute

Web Field Trip: Visit The Employment Studies InstituteA key component of an effective development plan is identifying important competencies regarding your current and target positions. In PA636 you had the opportunity to visit the U.S. government site

In his book, The Reflective Manager, Donald Schon suggests that there are two competing views of professional knowledge—that is, manager as a technician and manager as craftsman (artist).

Reflection in ActionIn his book, The Reflective Manager, Donald Schon suggests that there are two competing views of professional knowledge—that is, manager as a technician and manager as craftsman (artist). In the MPA program, we have certainly emphasized learning of the management sciences which will be very valuable in your career. On the other hand, managers also face situations...

The following are MAJOR tasks for a wedding . Use TWO of the tasks to build a Work Breakdown Structure in Microsoft Project.

The following are MAJOR tasks for a wedding .  Use TWO of the tasks to build a Work Breakdown Structure in Microsoft Project. ...

To understand government careers, one has to understand how various governments are structured, including the breakdown by sectors—for example, federal, state, county, and local.

Web Field Trip: Exploring Government Units and CareersTo understand government careers, one has to understand how various governments are structured, including the breakdown by sectors—for example, federal, state, county, and local. One way to understand the breakdown in governments is to visit a professional association relevant to the government, for example, for those interested in co...

Expanding operations into emerging markets is a growing trend for many businesses, including manufacturing.

Schindler India Expanding operations into emerging markets is a growing trend for many businesses, including manufacturing. In 1925, elevator manufacturer, Schindler, stepped foot in India and pressed for market penetration since then. In the 1950s the company established local presence, but at the turn of the century decided to make India a strategic market wi...

Compensation or Reward Management is not just about pay but there is need to balance the various HRM components- Discuss.

Assignment 1: Compensation or Reward Management is not just about pay but there is need to balance the various HRM components- Discuss. Assignment 2: Managing business organisations in a pandemic environment: challenges and prospects. Discuss. Note: In writing the Assignments follow this format:  ...

Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form.

GENERAL GUIDELINES(Please read the instructions carefully)⦁ Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form.⦁ All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to the LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script)....

Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form.

GENERAL GUIDELINES(Please read the instructions carefully)Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature of the student is marked in the declaration form.All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to the LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script).All assignments must be submitted with an acco...

Critical Issues in Healthcare: Unit V PowerPoint

Critical Issues in Healthcare: Unit V PowerPointCreate a PowerPoint presentation about Telehealth Technology that includes the following elements:background,financial implications,ethical concerns (e.g., equality, equity), andmeaningful use of the health technology and its impact.Your presentation must be at least 10 slides in length, not counting the title and reference slides. Each slide should have...