Total Assignments: 166
Video example% This example is adapted from 'help VideoWriter'figure(1); clf; % Prepare the new file.vidObj = VideoWriter('peaks.avi');open(vidObj);% Create an animation.Z = peaks; surf(Z);axis([1 50 1 50 -10 10]);set(gca,'nextplot','replacechildren');currFrame = getframe;...
This example is adapted from 'help VideoWriter'figure(1); clf; % Prepare the new file.vidObj = VideoWriter('peaks.avi');open(vidObj);% Create an animation.Z = peaks; surf(Z);axis([1 50 1 50 -10 10]);set(gca,'nextplot','replacechildren');currFrame = getframe;...
Plagiarism Warning:As per AOU rules and regulations, all students are required to submit their own TMA work and avoid plagiarism. The AOU has implemented sophisticated techniques for plagiarism detection. You must provide all references in case you use and quote another person's work in your TMA. You will be penalized for any act of plagiarism as per the AOU's rules and regulations.Declaration of No Plagiarism by Student (to be signed and submi...
MODULE 5: ANALYZING QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE DATAModule 5 describes techniques for analyzing qualitative and quantitative data collected for an evaluation. Qualitative data are often coll...
(a) Find its maximal domain of definition (definisjonsmengde) ?? and its range (verdimengde), in R. (b) Draw the graph of ? . You can use Matlab’s functions fplot or plot. (c) Find the inverse ? −1 . Do we need to restrict the domain of ? to find an inverse? Determine the correct domain of definition ?? −1 of the inverse. Hint: remember that we must have(d) Find the limit li...
Where ? and ? are constants (0 < ? < ?) to show that there exists a constant ? > 1 such that for every ? ≥ 2 there is a prime satisfying ? < ? ≤ ??.Solution. Let ? be any number such that ? > ?/?. Then ∑ log ? ?<?≤?? = ∑ log ? ?≤?? − ∑ log ? ?≤? ≥ ?(??)− ?? > ?? − ?? = 0 Since this sum is non-zero, there exists a prime ? satisfying ? < ? ≤ ??. Let us show now that ? = ?/? also satisfies the condition. Fix any ? ≥ 2. As it is proved, the interval (?, (1 + ?/?...
1. For problem #1, fill in the blank column in the two tables. Consider the very simplistic population made up of only the 5 numbers {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} Suppose we select a simple random sample (with replacement) of n=2 items from this population Each possible sample outcome consists of pair of numbers (first number, second number). For instance (3, 5) is the outcome of first sampling the number 3 and then sampling the number 5. For each of these outcomes you can construct a table of the possible m...
We have function f(x) and as you see f(0)=b, f(1)=0 and f prime =sin X3The definite integral below should be integrated ...
This is a problem set with exercises from the book: A logical approach to discrete math. I'll attach the pdf of the theorems used in writing the various proofs in the problem set. If you need access to the entire pdf of the book I can send you a link. Work on exercises 4.2, 4.6, 4.8 and 4.10Link to entire textbook pdf: [Texts and Monographs in Computer Science] David Gries, Fred B. Schneider - A Logical Approach to Discrete Math (1993, Springer) -
This is a problem set with exercises from the book: A logical approach to discrete math. I'll attach the pdf of the theorems used in writing the various proofs in the problem set. If you need access to the entire pdf of the book I can send you a link. Work on exercises 4.2, 4.6, 4.8 and 4.10Link to entire textbook pdf: [Texts and Monographs in Computer Science] David Gries, Fred B. Schneider - A Logical Approach to Discrete Math (1993, Springer) -
I need help with my math test tomorrow in about 11 hours! the test will cover the following lessons!2.3 functions (one - to one and onto functions)2.3.3 inverse functions and compositions of functions (2.3.5 some important functions, the factorial function)2.4 sequences and functions (a geometric program, an arithmetic program, recurrence relation)**Loo...
This assignment is worth 9% of your course total mark. NOTE: You MUST show all calculation steps, and when necessary, explain why you are taking those steps. If your steps are correct but you arrive at an incorrect answer, you will still earn some points.⦁ Assume that 8 people out of a community of 800 are ill with disease X, and the horizontal lines in the di...
Course Policy: Read all the instructions below carefully before you start working on the assignment and before you make a submission. Please typeset your submissions in LATEX, RMarkdown or Jupyter notebook. Please include your name and student ID with submission. Submit your homework in the form of pdf or html via Canvas. ...
The Dirichlet problem is extremely important in mathematical physics. It has been studied initially for determining the equilibrium temperature distribution on a disk from measurements taken along the boundary. Over regular domains such as a disk or a rectangle, a classical (and textbook) approach is to employ the so called Green’s function. Over irregular domains, this analytic approach becomes infeasible, if not entirely impossible. Howev...
Boundary Value Problems and Finite Differences - Take 2 No matter how much we would like the world to only be in one-dimension (to make our analytical math easier), the world is three-dimensional. Even more, not all engineering processes are steadystate but rather change with time. Worse again, not all boundary value problems (BVPs) using finite differences (FDs)are linear, many result in a system of non-linear equations. Even worse still, not all geometries are rectangular prisms, cylin...
Q1 Preliminary Analysis In this analysis you will be comparing the efficiency of the two alorithms by counting the use of the most expensive operation in the algorithms, which is multiplication. (Note that because all the divisions in FP are integer divisions by 2, they can be implemented efficiently as right binary shifts). In the questions that follow, it doesn’t matter what x is....
Preface In these notes we explain the measure theoretic foundations of modern probability. The notes are used during a course that had as one of its principal aims a swift introduction to measure theory as far as it is needed in modern probability, e.g. to define concepts as conditional expectation and to prove limit theorems for martingales. Everyone with a basic notion of mathematics and probability would understand what is meant by f(...
Each student in the pod must use their own set of data (as described above) to• create a histogram,• graph a cumulative distribution function (CDF), • compute the mean,• compute the median. chosen variable is income category Have income on your x axis and number of people on y axisFor cdf, calculate the percentage of each person's income in the sum of the income...
Algebra – Test 2This examination covers the following assessment criteria of the unit:3.3. Transpose an equation.3.4. Expand (a +x)n for n a positive integer.4.1. Form and solve linear equations.4.2. Solve quadratic equations by factorising and general...
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