1. critically explore and identify research areas in their subject discipline that are fertile, and formulate specific problems in these areas that are research-worthy



Marking scheme Postgraduate Research Methods

Student name:



LO. L1. critically explore and identify research areas in their subject discipline that are fertile, and formulate specific problems in these areas that are research-worthy


Research title is clear

Research question is formulated to state the problem attempted to be addressed by the work to be undertaken

Evidence of original thinking

Literature Review is underpinning the question and aims and objectives


Total 35


LO.2 critically understand, and know how to apply, various different types of research method in their subject discipline


Methodology is justified and has a clear structure

Analysis and discussion of the findings have a connection to the research question and supported by the body of knowledge and critical thinking


Total 35


LO3 construct, communicate, and defend a research strategy that is appropriate to the level of an MSc research project

The structure of the proposal and justification clear

Limitations and further research are mentioned

Conclusions have a clear connection to the aims and objectives




Total 15






Presentation and appropriate references

Up to date references



General comment:















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