"Build a Kit" means thinking about what would be inside your disaster preparedness kit. What would go inside your disaster go-to bag if you needed to leave your house, your workplace or your school suddenly?



In order to develop a personal preparedness plan, this is a two-part assignment that allows you to consider a first-hand account of the impact of a historical event or emergency in your development of your personal preparedness plan and kit.

You must complete the following and post on the appropriate discussion forum (Note: You must copy and paste your assignment directly into the discussion forum, you will not receive points if there is a word attachment. In order to ensure your work gets saved, begin your assignments by saving it on Word/Google Docs and then copying/pasting into the discussion forum):

1.    In order to complete your personal preparedness plan,visit https://www.sf72.org/plan and read https://ask.metafilter.com/325083/Practical-prepping for inspiration.

a.    Make a plan (required).

b.    Build a kit (get started)

"Build a Kit" means thinking about what would be inside your disaster preparedness kit. What would go inside your disaster go-to bag if you needed to leave your house, your workplace or your school suddenly? What items are most important and would help you? Here are some ideas from an article: https://www.sfgate.com/33498534734345/article/Make-your-own-earthquake-preparedness-kit-5410506.php You may not agree with all the items here and want to add additional items that you personally  need.

c.     Get involved (see Midterm Project)

d.    Write a one or two paragraph summary of your plan and the items that would part of your personal preparedness kit and explain why you have included the items and developed the plan according to your preferences. Note: This must be written after you have completed the interview in Part 2. Describe in detail how your personal preparedness plan changed based on the interview in Part 2.

2.    Interview a family member, friend, acquaintance, co-worker or classmate who has been through a large-scale emergency and write a 2-3 page paper. Read the details below carefully to be successful.

            Write a paper about an historical development related to an emergency that not only directly impacted your family, friends, acquaintances/co-workers or classmates as a whole but also a larger population, community, county or country.  The family member can an ancestor no longer alive, or a living parent, cousin, etc., or even yourself.

Make sure that the emergency in this context is defined as a large-scale emergency that would affect the larger community beyond one person (this means that a medical emergency affecting one family member would not be relevant for this assignment unless it happens in the context of a much bigger emergency). The paper should be no longer than two or three pages double-spaced.

            Possible historical developments in a public health emergency context include (but are not limited to) wars (including becoming a refugee, escaping persecution, living in a refugee camp or migrating); natural disasters (hurricanes, tsumanis, earthquakes, pandemics, drought, climate change related natural disasters); economic depressions if it risks the life of an entire population, recessions or trends; migrations; political, religious or racial conflict; etc. 

In your papers:

            *  Fully identify the interviewee (date and place of birth and other relevant personal data);

            *  Indicate clearly and briefly the nature of the historical development and how it was a large-scale                                emergency and how it impacted the individual for the rest of his or her life along with the whole                                  community  affected—psychologically, economically, etc.;

*  Note how the impact extended from the individual to the larger population, community, and family affected by this emergency;

            *  Include at least one quotation from someone you interview (in person, or via telephone or email) about                     the experience;

            *  Identify the person who is your primary source of information, and indicate his or her reliability as a source;

            *  Optional: quote from a letter, newspaper clipping or other relevant documentary source for the event and                    individual that you have selected.


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