A Business Case for Google Apps for Education Problem Statement

computer science


A Business Case for Google Apps for Education

Problem Statement

Goldfarb School of Nursing (GSON)’s lack of technology enhancement is a weakness.  This weakness causes problems with: accreditation organizations, students’ satisfaction, aspiring nurse preparation, budget management, student retention, and student recruitment.    

Analysis of Situation

BJC’s GroupWise email and messenger limit communication and collaboration among GSON stakeholders.  GroupWise Messenger is not accessible outside the organization firewall, nor are students able to connect to the organization’s email system using a mobile device without incurring a cost.  Because instant communication is lost and external communication is limited, students may be dissatisfied.  Student dissatisfaction may have an effect on student retention, student recruitment, and the reputation of the organization.  Moreover, the technology enhancements could allow better user experiences, like students learning in the way they want to learn, with technology.  

Beyond email and messenger, other innovative communication mediums exist.  Documents can be shared and collaborated on in real time and videos can be shared, as with YouTube.  These same approaches can be used in an educational environment to enhance operational efficiency as well as teaching and learning.  Document sharing would allow students to collaborate with their peers and professors on projects or homework assignments.  Video sharing can be used for nurse preparation, student orientation, or to share information related to drug or alcohol abuse, which is a compliance requirement for Title IX. 

Because GSON is limited by the lack of technology enhancements, third party solutions have been considered for procurement.  For example, Mediacore, a video sharing product, was reviewed.  The purpose of the product would be to share videos among different stakeholders throughout the College.  Various departments would have the ability to share videos.  While this is a great tool, as you will see in the cost benefit analysis section of this document, sound fiscal management would be remiss.    

The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), an accrediting body of the College, requires a plan for innovation and technology. 

1. Criterion/standard 5.C.5 states:  Institutional planning anticipates emerging factors, such as technology, demographic shifts, and globalization.

2. Criterion/standard 3.D.4. states: The institution provides to students and instructors the infrastructure and resources necessary to support effective teaching and learning (technological infrastructure, scientific laboratories, libraries, performance spaces, clinical practice sites, museum collections, as appropriate to the institution’s offerings).

To address the problems presented in this business case, Google Apps for Education is recommended. 

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