A business case is a justification of an organizational investment in the proposed project. By documenting the expected costs, benefits, and risks, the business case helps predict how the project will affect the organization.

computer science




You will choose a new software application for a real company with which you are familiar. You will architect and program a software application utilizing object-oriented techniques and graphical user interfaces using Java (Part 3). Your architecture must be recorded, modeled, and communicated in sufficient detail that the software application could be coded based upon the architecture documentation alone. In this assignment, you are acting as the architect and programmer. The application must be a module of a business system enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Part 1


Architecture Part 1 will contain the activities for:

·     Making a business case for the system.

·     Understanding the architecturally significant requirements.


A business case is a justification of an organizational investment in the proposed project. By documenting the expected costs, benefits, and risks, the business case helps predict how the project will affect the organization. Understanding the goals for the system is also important in the creation of a business case for a system (Bass, 2013).


The architecture will be based upon a prioritized list of quality attribute requirements and capture of requirements for a system. For this assignment, you will focus on the development of the business case, requirements, and quality attributes. In your paper, include an explanation and justification of your techniques to unearth and understand the architecturally significant requirements.




You will compose a 3000 words paper in current APA format that describes the business case, requirements, and quality attributes identified for the project. You must include at least 10 scholarly articles as references.


Part 2

Architecture Part 2 will contain the activities for:

·                 Creating or selecting the architecture.

·                 Documenting and communicating the architecture.

·                 Analyzing and evaluating the architecture.


Architecture is the result of applying a collection of design decisions. The 7 categories of design decisions are allocation of responsibilities, coordination model, data model, management of resources, mapping among architectural elements, binding time decisions, and choice of technology.

The focus of this part of the assignment is on modeling. You will include fully developed use case description diagrams, class diagrams, entity relationship models, sequence diagrams, and component diagrams. Choose additional models that represent the architecture for your project and justify your selections..




You will compose a 1800 words paper (not including models) in current APA format that describes and justifies the complete architecture and design decisions for your project. You must include at least 15 fully developed models of at least 8 different types. You must also include at least 6 scholarly articles as references.




Screenshots are required for each diagram with a visible operating system date/time. No credit will be given for diagrams without screenshots. Include the screenshots in appendices in the word document. Use Visio application to construct the models and diagrams. 

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