A Business or Personal (group) website with images, animations (using some photos), effects, data validation for the html , css and JavaScript elements, buttons or any content you include in your web page.

computer science


Project Deadline: Check the Moodle for the exact deadline time and date-


Make a Dynamic Website

Since you have learned HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery why not use your skills to make a real website?

Design and build your own website for your term project with the specification below. Here are the items that MUST be included in your website:


·        A Business or Personal (group) website with images, animations (using some photos), effects, data validation for the html , css and JavaScript elements, buttons or any content you include in your web page.

·        Use CSS to add some styles and layout to your page

·        Form to ask the user to register with data validation using jQuary

·        User Email address verification webpage and error massage for any filed that has empty or inaccurate information using patterns (Regex)

·        User registration and welcome message

·        Various use of effects or animation  (minimum 3) and plug-ins (minimum 3) in the webpages

·        Make sure there is the use of events ( i.e. click event, double click events) for activation of any element or specific button designed on your page

·        Two buttons Submit and Clear that works with “onClick” or other relevant event handlers which calls a function that executes an alert.

·        Make sure your website has and include the JavaScript and jQuary functions to operate. You can design any website, but the content provided in the lectures and lessons must be reflected in your design and coding, other than that consider you project not relevant to the course.

·        Bonus: Use of widgets for your website.



Project Instruction:


·        Of the 25% project mark, 20% goes for the files that build up the project (codes, comments, project smooth run, accuracy, originality of the codes and website look and feel) and 5% for the power point presentation file that is included in the folder that contains the project file. [all the files should be put together and uploaded by the deadline].

·        The power point has to have the screenshots of all the pages that user can view.

·        You need to choose one person in your team that should email me the team member’s name and email addresses. This person who is the project leader has to upload the project files using Moodle.

·        Everyone in the team has to contribute because a single mark will be given to all the members of the group.




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