A CANDU 9 Reactor is operating at 100% full power, in Normal Mode of Overall Unit control and Normal Mode of PHT pressure control




Nuclear Plant Operations

(NUCL 4640U)

(Total 30 Marks)

Simulator Assignment 3 – 2019



Question 1 (17 marks)

A CANDU 9 Reactor is operating at 100% full power, in Normal Mode of Overall Unit control and Normal Mode of PHT pressure control, and one of the PHT Liquid Relief Valves fails open. Simulate this event on the CANDU 9 Simulator.

Hint: Start the CANDU 9 simulator at 100% full power. Insert Malfunction “ PHT LRV (CV20) Fails Open and observe the response.

NOTE: You will need to operate the simulation for about 30 minutes.


1a. How does the PHT pressure and inventory control system respond to the problem in the first couple of minutes?

        1b. What happens when the Bleed Condenser is completely filled with D2O?

 1c. Where is the D2O that is being lost from the system going? Is this event a                          Loss of Coolant accident?


         1e.  Eventually there is a sudden change in reactor power. What causes the change                   to reactor power?

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