A company has 4 salespeople (1 to 4) who sell 5 different products (1 to 5). Every day the company maintains a CSV file for each product sold.

computer science


CS265: Advanced Programming 


What to do

  • This assignment is called “Count the Daily Product Sales”
  • You must develop everything on the Drexel cs.tux.drexel.edu servers.




Write a C program, named a2.c, to solve the following problem.


A company has 4 salespeople (1 to 4) who sell 5 different products (1 to 5). Every day the company maintains a CSV file for each product sold. A CSV file is a comma-separated values file. The CSV file contains the product, and the total dollar value of that product sold by each salesperson that day. An example CSV file has been provided with the assignment.


Write a program that will read all this information for a day’s sales and summarize the total sales by salesperson and by product. After processing all the information for the day, display the results in a tabular format, with each column representing a salesperson and each row representing a particular product. Gross total each row to get the total sales of each product. Gross total each column to get the total sales by salesperson. Your output should include these cross-totals to the right of the totaled rows and to the bottom of the totaled columns.


For the sample data provided with the assignment the output could look like this


             Seller1      Seller2      Seller3      Seller4    Total

Product1         915         777         886         383        2961

Product2         492         386         335         793        2006

Product3          27         362         421         649        1459

Product4         926         763          59         690        2438

Product5         736         172         426         540        1874

Total           3096        2460        2127        3055           0




·         You may assume that each line in the CSV file is not larger than a number of your choice, say no larger than 256.

·         You may assume that there are no spaces or other special characters in the names of the salespeople or products.

·         You may assume that the names of salespeople and products are not larger than a number of your choice, say no larger than 20.

·         You can use character arrays. You do not need to dynamically allocate memory for this assignment.


What to submit

Submit the C program a2.c in Blackboard. 

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