A description of the topic item(s). If it is a technology, describe how it is used and what is required to make it work. If it is a service, describe who offers the service, how it is offered, and what is required to use it



Salesforce presentation 

Research the topic you have signed up for and prepare a 10 minute presentation.

  • Your presentation should address the following:
    • A description of the topic item(s).  If it is a technology, describe how it is used and what is required to make it work.  If it is a service, describe who offers the service, how it is offered, and what is required to use it.
    • The significance of the topic from a business perspective.  That is, why would a business use this technology or service, and what benefits would a business accrue by using the technology or service.
    • Any current or future developments regarding the topic.
  • By the due date and time when the topic is assigned, submit:
    • A file with the PowerPoint presentation slides you will use in your presentation.  This will be made available to everyone in the class.
    • A list of sources for the information in your presentation.  You must have at least five sources.
    • A recording of your presentation in which all members of the team participate.
  • You will need to evaluate your peers in the team for their contribution to preparation and delivery of the presentation and multiple choice questions.  You will receive instructions on how to handle this separately.

Check the rubric for details on how grading for this assignment will be handled.

Please follow the instructions an need it before Monday if possible. 

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