A few paragraphs should be sufficient to cover the background to your project. Try to explain the overall aims of your project, its type and the work you have done to date.

computer science




  1. Project Proposal should describe:
  • what you are planning to do; à Background, Problem Statement, Aim, Objectives, Scope
  • why you have chosen to do It; à Justification
  • how you are planning to achieve it; à Approach
  • who will be doing it; à Resources
  • when you are planning to do it. à Timeline


Here are the explanations of each item needed for the Proposal:




Title should convey the flavours of the project in one short sentence.



Developing a Mobile Queuing System – Qsmart


A Development of a Mobile Queuing System – Qsmart


A Study on the Development of Mobile Queuing System – Qsmart



A few paragraphs should be sufficient to cover the background to your project. Try to explain the overall aims of your project, its type and the work you have done to date. You should also describe your external client, if you have one.



My Suggestion:

To tell a ‘story’ about the proposed topic. Let’s take the above titles as an example. I would tell my reader a story based on the following structure:


1.0 The evolution of mobile application and

       1.1 Latest statistic on mobile app usage

       1.2 How it benefits the society today


2.0 Conventional queuing system

      2.1 Discussion on some examples of existing   system

      2.2 The weaknesses of the existing systems

      2.3 Customers’ perspectives about the existing   systems


3.0 Discussion on how mobile app can address the weaknesses of current system

      3.1 Existing mobile app for queuing system or anything similar


4.0 Observation of existing/similar systems

      4.1 Table of comparison

     4.2 Common system features/functions


NOTE: Must have sufficient citations from your references.

Problem Statement

Define a problem as any situation where a gap exists between the actual and the desired ideal. The problem itself, need to be stated clearly and with enough contextual detail to establish why it is important.


DON’T list the problems without sufficient explanation.


1-2 problems are sufficient. But, you must provide a clear description about the issues.


The 5 'W's can be used to spark the discussion about the problem.


1. Who - Who does the problem affect? Specific groups, organizations, customers, etc.


2. What - What are the boundaries of the problem, e.g. organizational, work flow, geographic, customer, segments, etc. - What is the issue? - What is the impact of the issue? - What impact is the issue causing? - What will happen when it is fixed? - What would happen if we didn’t solve the problem?


3. When - When does the issue occur? - When does it need to be fixed?


4. Where - Where is the issue occurring? Only in certain locations, processes, products, etc.


5. Why - Why is it important that we fix the problem? - What impact does it have on the business or customer? - What impact does it have on all stakeholders, e.g. employees, suppliers, customers, shareholders, etc.



Problem statement has a specific form:


·         Vision - what does the world look like if we solve the problem?

·         Issue Statement - one or two sentences that describe the problem using specific issues. It is not a "lack of a solution" statement. For example, our problem is that we don't have an ERP system.

·         Method - the process that will get followed to solve the problem.

·         Justification – why your solution is important?


Identify the highest level what it is you hope to achieve with your project – what you intend to achieve overall. à Broad goal!



This study aims to develop a prototype mobile application for queuing system at UCSI Registrar office.


This project aims to develop a queuing system that runs on mobile platform.


The aim of this study is to increase operation efficiency at Registrar office by developing a mobile queuing system.


Objective is to identify specific, measurable achievement you hope to make that build towards the ultimate aim of your project. They are more precise than aims.

You should ensure that all of your objectives begin with the word ‘to’, and are phrased so that your success or failure in meeting them can be tested or measured.



1. To study the existing queuing systems.

2. To identify the strengths and weakness of the current systems.

3. To gather/collect requirements from users.

4. To design a mobile queuing system.

5. To develop a prototype mobile queuing system.



You should justify your choice of project by explaining how the project will meet the requirements of your course, why the topic interests you and what you will gain from the project.



The scope of a project is a description of what activities you plan to carry out, and of the functional or academic boundaries of your project. Normally, listing what you are not going to be covering will help you to clarify your project scope.



1. To state the end users who will be using the application e.g Student and Admin

2. To list the system features and functions that will be developed e.g login, select services, print number etc

3. To provide use case diagram and its explanation.

3. To discuss the specific technical requirements e.g Android, web-based or iOS

4. To also discuss the areas that will NOT be covered in your project


Use case diagram can be used to represent the scope of the project in term of users and system functionalities.



Approach and Deliverables

Description of your development and research approaches, methods and tools. You should include a brief justification for your choice of methods and tools.



Example of system development methodology that you can follow: SDLC, RAD, Prototyping, Incremental, Spiral etc.


Deliverables should include all of your key development products and research outputs.


Identify the deliverables for each of the system development phases.


Example of outputs (documents included): Gantt Chart, all DIAGRAMS you have learnt from OOM/Analysis & Design and Database courses. Also, refer to Software Project Management (SPM) course for other deliverables.


Briefly discuss each of the deliverables.





Requirement gathering and analysis

System requirements specification (SRS)


Use case, ERD, sequence diagram, activity diagram etc


Coding, System


User Acceptance Test (UAT)


Deployment guidelines



Major Milestone

Timing for your main deliverables and activities. You must ensure that it must align with the given key dates.


Milestones derived from your Gantt Chart.

Gantt Chart is developed based on the activities need to be carried out in your project. Mainly the activities follow your chosen methodology in Approach and Deliverables.


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