Using the guides and resource suggestions listed in Chapter 12, perform a strategic audit of Tesla Motors, Inc. A good starting point is the company’s investor relations website at: The audit should include the following: I. Current Situation a. Current Performance b. Strategic Posture II. Strategic Managers a. Board of Directors b. Top Management III. External Environment a. Natural Environment b. Societal Environment c. Task Environment IV. Internal Environment a. Corporate Structure b. Corporate Culture c. Corporate Resources V. Analysis of Strategic Factors a. SWOT b. Review of Current Mission and Objectives VI. Strategic Alternatives and Recommended Strategy a. Strategic Alternatives b. Recommended Strategy VII. Implementation VIII. Evaluation and Control Unoriginal Content: Your essay may contain no more than 10% quotes from other sources. Paraphrase what you read instead of copying and pasting. You may not re-use work that you have submitted in previous classes. All work in this class must be original. Essays that contain more than 50% unoriginal content will not earn any credit. Essays that contain between 10% - 49% unoriginal content will receive a substantial point deduction. Paraphrase instead of copying and pasting. Please note there is a difference between unoriginal content and plagiarism. Unoriginal content is correctly quoted and cited. Plagiarized sentences and paragraphs are not correctly quoted or cited. Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for this assignment
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