A number when divided by a divisor gives a remainder of 24. When twice the original number is divided by the same divisor the remainder is 11. Determine the divisor.



1. A number when divided by a divisor gives a remainder of 24. When twice the original number is divided by the same divisor the remainder is 11. Determine the divisor.

A flask is full of pure milk. 20% of the milk is replaced by water and the mixture thoroughly stirred. Twenty percent of the resulting mixture is replaced by water and the mixture is stirred. The operation is repeated one more time. Determine the percentage of pure milk in the flask after the third operation. (5 marks) 

5. The incomes of A and B are in the ratio 4:3 and their expenditures are in the ratio 5:4. If A saves 25% of his income, determine the ratio of their savings. (10 marks) 

6. Eighteen years ago thirteen times Tom’s age equals eight times his brother John’s age. Their present ages are in the ratio 5:7. What is Tom’s resent age? (10 marks) 

 7. Two friends A and B each have apples. If A gives one of his apples to B, then they both have an equal number of apples. But if B gives one of his apples to A, then A will have three times as many apples as B. How many apples did A and B have initially?

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