A scientific brief on Iron and iron deficiency anaemia and its impact on adolescent boys and girls.



Food Nutrition Assessment

Select one of the case studies below. Using evidence-based guidelines and relevant (referenced) studies (e.g. observational, intervention) critically discuss the nutritional intervention that you propose and the rationale behind it. Ensure that the recommendations are realistic for the specified population group. 

 You are working as a nutritionist in the UK for a Local Government. You are asked to compile an evidence-based report for the nutritional prevention / management of iron deficiency anaemia in adolescent children. What would you propose and why?


Points to cover.

A scientific brief on Iron and iron deficiency anaemia and its impact on adolescent boys and girls.

Sources, fortified foods, school diets for UK.

How it affects vegans and vegetarians, skipping breakfast.

Evidence from other countries.

Folic acid and Vitamin C.

Why do we need Iron?

Why teenage girls need it?

What does lack of iron do?

What necessary steps we could do?













Instructions to students

NB: You must read the instructions below carefully and adhere to them strictly whilst completing your coursework.


• For your coursework, produce assignment in response to the assessment task detailed below.

• In the report, every page must be numbered in the footer. In the header of every page you must put your student number only. Do not include your name in the assignment – your coursework will be marked anonymously.

• All figures and tables must be numbered and have a title. The number and title should be present above the tables and beneath the figures.

• Do not cite or reference lecture notes in your coursework.

• Do not use direct quotations in written work. Quotations do not belong in academic scientific writing.

• You should use MMU Harvard referencing style

• The assignment should be divided into sections as detailed in the assessment task below.


Assessment objective/rationale

Students will be required to consider and demonstrate an understanding of the dietary and nutritional guidelines and policies relating to the given population (where available).

The assessment will reflect upon physiological, social and psychological influences in justifying the choice of nutrition advice provided with clear reference to guidelines, health policy and relevant scientific research. 

Using knowledge of the functionalities and sources of specific nutrients developed through the lecture, seminar and workshop sessions of this unit (LO1), you will evaluate the nutritional guidelines and policies / treatment pathways relevant to a case study subject from a defined population group (LO2) with a specific micro/macronutrient imbalance and clearly communicate the findings. Use critical appraisal skills to assess the evidence when forming your evidence-based case study report.

The case study should be should be 3,500 words (+/-10%). The assignment should be written up in a report style together with an executive summary.

A good-quality case study report is achieved through thorough reading, critical evaluation of peer-reviewed research journal articles in addition to researching treatment guidelines. The submitted case study report should demonstrate your ability to:

•          Apply your knowledge to the specified population group (LO2)

•          Synthesise scientific literature, nutritional recommendations and, where relevant, current clinical guidelines to propose recommendations for the nutritional management of the specified condition whilst critically evaluating these management recommendations (LO1)

The case study report should be written in a clear academic style with a logical structure. Good academic writing requires careful planning, in-depth research, careful editing and proof-reading.



Points to cover.

A scientific brief on Iron and iron deficiency anaemia and its impact on adolescent boys and girls.

Sources, fortified foods, school diets for UK.

How it affects vegans and vegetarians, skipping breakfast.

Evidence from other countries.

Folic acid and Vitamin C.

Why do we need Iron?

Why teenage girls need it?

What does lack of iron do?

What necessary steps we could do?


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