Academic Honesty You must work on this project individually.



Academic Honesty


You must work on this project individually.  You are not to ask anybody for assistance other than Professor Yi or a tutor at the University of Houston-Clear Lake Student Success Center.  Failure to adhere to the academic honesty rules for this assignment will result in a score of zero.


Purpose of Assignment


This project will give you experience in designing and implementing a spreadsheet to assist you in making decisions. 


Estimated Time to Complete


This assignment will likely require three to four hours for a basic to intermediate spreadsheet user.




Please read the guidelines in the “Identifying Elements of a Financial Model” section in Chapter 12 of the Hilton (2008) textbook (now out-of-print).  I have uploaded Chapter 12 of that textbook with this file of instructions.  I will deduct points if you do not follow the advice that “…parameters should be located and clearly identified in a defined parameter or input-data area of the spreadsheet” and “…the formulas in the analysis sections should never contain the actual numerical values of the parameters.  Instead use the parameters’ cell locations in all formulas where they occur” (Hilton, 2008, pages 476 and 477).  To help you adhere to these guidelines, I have started your Excel solution file and created a ‘Parameters’ section for you.  That file is uploaded with this file of instructions.


Spreadsheet Format


Each sheet of your Excel file should include your name, the course number, and the date.  Place this information at the top, either in a header or in the first few rows.  Label each sheet of your workbook so it clearly identifies the sheet.  I have labeled the first sheet as ‘Baseline Case.’




The model parameters for the baseline case are entered in the Excel spreadsheet, which I have uploaded with this assignment.  The sheet for the baseline case is named ‘Baseline Case.’ Download that Excel file and complete your assignment using that file.  Do not create a new Excel file.  Just add to the file that you download.  Failure to use this file will result in a 10 point deduction (out of 40 points for the assignment).  Use your last name to rename the file I have uploaded.  If you “mess up” and need to start over, download the Excel file again.

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