Adorno, T. W., & Horkheimer, M. (1997). Dialectic of enlightenment (J. Cumming, Trans.). Verso. (Original work published 1944)



According to this article do this assignment:


Adorno, T. W., & Horkheimer, M. (1997). Dialectic of enlightenment (J. Cumming, Trans.). Verso. (Original work published 1944).

    • The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

Bradley, H. (2015). Chapter 5: Gender and work. In S. Edgell, H. Gottfried, & E. Granter (Eds.), The SAGE handbook of sociology of work and employment (pp. 73–93). Sage. 

Unit Notes

Unit 2 Notes 


Vox. (2017, November 13). The big debate about the future of work, explained [Video]. YouTube.

Assignment has 2 part.

Part 1:


This major group project will ask students to draw upon their readings and discussions, as well as properly referenced additional research, to develop and present a case study illustrating issues related to one of the topics studied in units 2-8 of the course.


This assignment requires students to choose a research essay topic and form an outline with their group members. Each student will submit an assignment, this must be identical to all members working together in a group.  

Students will: 

  1. Each student will provide a written declaration of the project load breakdown outlining each group member’s contribution to the project (1 page report).
  2. Provide a thesis statement that clearly introduces their topic. This topic must focus on key sociological themes covered in this course and be related to a global perspective (ex: technology and mass media, equity and diversity, work and the economy etc.) 
  3. In point- form, list introductory points, 5-6 body points, and concluding points. 
  4. Provide a bibliography of a minimum of 6 references used. References must be peer-reviewed, academic sources published within the past 10 years.     
  5. Part 2:


    This major group project will ask students to draw upon their readings and discussions, as well as properly referenced additional research, to develop and present a case study illustrating issues related to one of the topics studied in units 2-8 of the course.


    This assignment requires students to coordinate with their group members and write and present a rough draft of their group project. Each student will submit an assignment, this must be identical to all members working together in a group. Each group will receive oral/written feedback from peers in class as well as written feedback from the instructor.  

    Students will: 

    1. Each student will provide a written declaration of the project load breakdown outlining each group member’s contribution to the project.
    2. Provide a rough draft of their group project (minimum of 6 pages double spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font). This will include: 
      1. Introductory paragraph (with a thesis statement)
      2. Body paragraphs with 5-6 main body arguments
      3. Concluding paragraph
    3. A minimum of 6 external academic sources must be used to construct the rough draft. This must be cited following APA guidelines both in-text and in the reference list
      1. In-Class: as a group, students must create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes key arguments in their rough draft. Students must provide a minimum of 6 slides and present their rough draft as a cooperative ten (10) minute group presentation to the class. 
      2. Online: as a group, students must create a PowerPoint presentation that summarizes key arguments in their rough draft. Students must provide a minimum of 6 slides. Students must provide a minimum of 6 slides and present their rough draft as a cooperative ten (10) minute recorded Zoom group presentation to the class. The professor will then post the presentation for the class to provide feedback. Each student must provide at least one (1) feedback point. 
    4. Each group member must equally contribute to the construction of the rough draft and the construction and presentation of the in-class presentation

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