Advertising Scientists have studied learning and memory for many years. Ivan Pavlov is particularly well known for his theories on conditional coding. Classical conditioning focuses on creating associations between meaningful objects or ideas and a desire



Advertising Scientists have studied learning and memory for many years. Ivan Pavlov is particularly well known for his theories on conditional coding. Classical conditioning focuses on creating associations between meaningful objects or ideas and a desired response. After reading about classical conditioning, consider how marketers have attempted to use classical conditioning in their advertising. Examine four print or television advertisements. For each ad, consider the questions below. Topic Requirements: The name of the product being advertised A description of the advertisement An explanation of how the ad utilizes conditional coding A discussion of whether or not the advertiser is using conditional coding properly Comments on how the advertiser might better use classical conditioning to market to the target audience. Content Requirements: The assignment should be 1 - 2 pages in length (double-spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman).

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