agree to share your work on Dropbox with the rest of the class with your identification intact (“I-am- proud-of-my-work!” option) [default option if you forget to mention it in your e-mail submission];



Please submit your answers by midnight (11:59pm) on Friday, 27th March 2020 via Your discussion of results (50% of the marks) and working code (the other 50%) should be contained in a single Jupyter Notebook or MATLAB live script using markup functionality or commentary. You don’t need to provide data. In marking your empirical project,  I will be executing your MATLAB  scripts or Python notebooks,  so please make  sure that the code is working to avoid a loss of 50% marks for code that does not compile or throws an error on execution.

Late penalty: -2% for each hour past deadline.

When submitting your files via e-mail, please:

1.   Use the file-naming convention: LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME - PROJECT 1.

2.   Indicate whether you:

(a)   agree to share your work on Dropbox with the rest of the class with your identification intact (“I-am- proud-of-my-work!” option) [default option if you forget to mention it in your e-mail submission];

(b)  agree to share your work on Dropbox with the rest of the class but with your identification removed (“I-am-happy-to-share-but-I-feel-shy” option);

(c)  do not like to share your work with anyone.


Question 1

1.   [1  mark]  Obtain  adjusted  closing  prices  from  01-Jan-2015  to 18-Mar-2020for

   the DJIA index (Yahoo ticker: ^DJI),

   gold mining company,  Freeport-McMoRan Inc.  (FCX),  and

   Walmart  Inc, (WMT).

2.   [3 marks] Before you can proceed with time series modeling, you have to make sure that your data are stationary (does not contain unit root). Perform the following:

(a)   Check your price series for stationarity using ADF and KPSS tests.

(b)  Convert your closing prices to log returns and check your return series for stationarity using ADF and KPSS tests.

(c)  What do you conclude?2 Did you use constant only or constant and a trend model as as your benchmark and why?

3.   [1 mark] Plot cumulative  returns  for all three assets on the same graph originating at $100 (the progression    of the $100 invested on 1-Jan-2015 to 18-Mar-2020). Make sure your x-axis represents dates and the legend with the names of the three assets is visible.

4.   [1 mark] On a 3-by-3 subplot, plot the returns in the top row as well as ACF (2nd row) and PACFs (3rd row). Based on your visual inspection of returns, ACF, and PACF plots, would you consider an ARMA model?

5.   [4 marks] Retain the last 10 observations for checking forecasting ability, and use the rest of your returns sample to select the optimal ARM A(p, q) model based on BIC for each of the three assets.  Set maximum  model complexity to 5 (that is, p = 0...5, q  = 0...5) and assume Gaussian residuals (this is commonly the  default setting in  any  software).

(a)   Construct a 3D plot with p and q values on x and y axes and BIC on z axis.

(b)  What values  of  p, q  are optimal based on BIC?

(c)  What values of p, q are optimal if you are interested in accuracy of 10-day forecasts from these models based  on RMSE?


Discuss your findings and propose the final ARM A(p, q) model that you favour the most.

1Note, that if you are using getMarketDataViaYahoo() function in MATLAB, set the end request date to one day later than the desired  end  date  for  your  data,  e.g.  16-Mar-2019.  This  function  seems  to  return  one  observation  less  than  you request.

2In econometrics, “conclusions” are based on hypothesis tests with analyses of p-values and chosen level of significance.



6.   [1 mark] Perform Step 5 again, but this time use AIC to select the optimal ARM A(p, q) model. Did your conclusion change?

7.   [1 mark] On a 3-by-3 subplot, plot the squared returns in the top row as well as ACF (2nd row) and PACFs  (3rd row). Based on your visual inspection of squared returns, ACF, and PACF plots, would you consider a GARCH  type model?

8.   [1 mark] Perform Engle’s ARCH test for each of the 3 assets to reconfirm your conclusion from the above    step.

9.   [4 marks] Retain the last 10 observations for checking forecasting ability, and use the rest of your returns sample to select the optimal GARCH(p, q) model based on BIC for each of the three assets. Set maximum model complexity to 5 (that is, p = 0...5, q = 0...5) and assume Gaussian residuals (this is commonly the default setting in any software).

(a)   Construct a 3D plot with p and q values on x and y axes and BIC on z axis.

(b)  What values  of  p, q  are optimal based on BIC?

(c)  What values of p, q are optimal if you are interested in accuracy of 10-day forecasts from these models based  on RMSE?

(d)  Discuss your findings and propose the final model that you favour the most.

10.   [1 mark] Perform Step 9 again, but this time assume Student t residuals when fitting GARCH(p, q) models. Did your conclusion change?

Note: you can substantially simplify/reduce your code if you use/define functions as many of the steps in this empirical project are repetitive with only few parameters varied.

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