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How to Write an Annotated Bibliography
The purpose of writing an annotated bibliography is to help familiarize you, as a researcher and scholar, to the
vast knowledge that relates to your research question(s). By doing so, you become more knowledgeable about
the conversations related to your research question. In theory, by consistently writing out numerous annotations,
you slowly become an “expert” on your research topic/question.
You will want to annotate at least five sources relating to your research question(s). These sources can either be
from academic books or scholarly articles published in peer-reviewed journals. These sources must be
credible. In other words, there should be an abstract and a reference page w/in the sources. You will also
want to make certain your research is current (relatively speaking). It’s good practice to ensure that your
research (again, relatively speaking) extends back no further than a decade. And, of course, you can conduct
primary research: if you conduct interviews or surveys, etc., be certain to annotate this data.
Layout of the Annotated Bibliography
There will be three headings. They are:
1) Introduction
In this introduction, you are to provide some background and context for your concern. You
will also provide your research question. Make certain you also tell your reader what you will
do in this annotated bibliography. In other words, explain to your reader the overall layout of
the annotated bibliography.
2) Annotated Sources:
Here, you will outline this section as follows:
You will want to cite your source. These citations follow current MLA/APA style guidelines.
For example:
Robillard, Amy. “It’s Time For Class: Toward a More Complex Pedagogy of Narrative.”
College Composition. 66.1 (Sept., 2003): 74-92. Print.
Below the source you will want to provide three paragraphs.
Paragraph one: summarize the source
Paragraph two: prove you understand the main argument in the text. Here, you will make
ample references to the text (with in-text citations) in order to prove you understand the main
argument and main points within the article.
Paragraphs three: prove and show (by way of referencing the text w/ in-text citations) how the
source informs / answers / sheds light on your research question. In this third paragraph, you are
to repeat your question and explain how the source informs / answers / sheds light on your
research question.
You will do this for all five sources. And remember to put your sources in alphabetical order.
3) Conclusion / A Working Thesis
In the third and final heading you will conclude the annotated bibliography. You will also, again, restate
your research question. After doing this, you will provide the answer, which will be your working thesis
/ argumentative position. Remember: Research Question(s) + Answer = Thesis / Argumentative
Remember to put the AB in alphabetical order (like you would in a Reference or Work Cited page). You must
also adhere to either MLA or APA format.
Due Date:
Due Wednesday October 12th for Peer review (Please bring to class two hard copies)
Final draft will be submitted via Bb and is due before class on Monday October 17th
When submitting your AB to Bb, you will also be required to upload your research for your project. These
researched documents should be in a PDF.
Reminder: The Annotated Bibliography will be included in your final writing projects, which comprise 45
points of your final grade. Failure to complete this assignment will ultimately result in a failing grade in this
course. In other words, you cannot pass this class if you do not complete this assignment.
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