Air transport is considered as the fastest developing industry all over the Europe[MM1] It is considered as one of the most essential sectors based on global economy[MM2] .



1. Description of the researchable topic

Air transport is considered as the fastest developing industry all over the Europe[MM1]  It is considered as one of the most essential sectors based on global economy[MM2] . The airline services of Europe outcome a total of $420 billion in a financial year which helps to attract different tourists from international countries into Europe[MM3] . Economic condition in Europe is quite stable and good and it basically helps to boost up the airline services across European countries.Ref? Rapid development of low cost airlines has been seen in the European business market which leads to a significant expansion of favourable tourism services across the world (Zajac 2016). The proposal is going to define the specific impact of low cost airlines which helps to attract reputed and valuable tourists from different countries. [MM4] [MM5] 

In Europe, the air transport  market is  liberalised and it provides low cost services to tourists which helps to make their day beautiful from all kinds of aspects.[MM6]  Typically, scheduled airlines have been replaced with low cost airlines nowadays in Europe which plays a very essential role which helps to select suitable air carrier[MM7] . Air transport in Europe saves money by providing passengers with discounted products while travelling within the airline internationally. [MM8] [MM9] The airline market in Europe applies the process of integration and liberalisation in order to boost up their services to customers at a very cheaper and lower price (Frempong & Deichmann 2017). In this proposal, primary data will be collected based on the market share, market value and low fare of airlines with the help of surveys, interviews and experiments. This proposal is going to discuss the major issues that have occurred while boosting the airlines services internationally within Europe.

Data analysis have been done[MM10]  by explaining the graphs and charts of air transport prices which impacts majorly the aviation market of Europe. In this research proposal, data will be collected based on the low price and current trends of airline services within  Europe that can boost internationally [MM11] by attracting a lot of customers from different regions (Barrows 2019). Primary data will be collected using a  quantitative approach by using the  survey method.  This will be administered to customers who tend to provide positive or negative reviews[MM12]  based on the low cost airline services within Europe.

In this proposal, primary qualitative data[MM13]  has been collected and interviews will be taken from the CEO of European Low Fares Airline Association in order to gather some basic and crucial information about the boost of airline tourism services internationally. Data that has been collected for this research purpose will be kept confidential and private and no pressure have been given to any of the respondents in order to collect data and statistics (Alkhatib & Migdadi 2018). Low cost airlines services inEurope are basically influenced by the price and policies that have been created and implemented by European Low Fares Airline Association[MM14] . The Aviation sector in Europe have become very highly dependent on  international tourism which helps to identify the basic concepts and design of aviation market to reduce the price of airline products for customers.   [MM15] 

2. Aims and objectives of the research

2.1 Research Aim

The aim of the research is to analyse and examine the effect of low-cost airline services which helps[MM16]  to boost international tourism in Europe.

2.2 Research objectives

       To analyse the low cost airline services in Europe[MM17] [MM18] 

       To analyse the boostinggrowth of international tourism in[MM19]  Europe

       To identify the impact of low cost services which helps to boost tourism in Europe

       To identify the challenges faced by international tourism[MM20]  in Europe due to low cost airlines services

       To provide recommendations by increasing international tourism in Europe by using low cost airlines services

2.3 Background of research objectives

Airline services have become one of the very major aspects of people all over the world to travel in different popular places[MM21] [MM22] . Tourists are always looking for cheaper price of tickets at a very suitable and optimum rate so that it aids them on travel in different regions of world at a very optimum price (Deepa & Jayaraman 2017). By identifying this situation, the European Low Fares Airlines Association[MM23]  have organised and created a specific scheme which helps to increase the number of passengers within the European continent by providing  airline services at very minimal and cheaper rate. Low cost airlines will provide the cheaper rates than traditional airlines[MM24]  in order to make day of customers reliable and viable.[MM25] 

 Low cost airlines will sign the legal criteria and documents by making a team[MM26]  within European low cost fare authorities to boot up the services which will help to attract more tourists from different regions across the world. Low cost airlines in Europe will provide significant representatives with the airline authorities who include Irish Ryanair which has been established in the year 1991 (Zhang & Wang 2016). Aer Lingus Regional is one of the most popular air transport in Europe whose headquarter is situated at Dublin, Ireland. Low cost airlines have been executed as a specific threat for traditional airlines of Europe.[MM27]  International tourism have been completely captured [MM28] and authorised by European Low Fares Airlines Association in order to boost up their technologies as well as their optimum services which customers and tourists can afford while travelling from one place to another place. [MM29] 

Rules and principles will be generated and created based on low cost carriers which will help to determine the tariffs and services costs which airline transport corporation provides to their tourists (Park et al. 2015). Low cost airlines services will tends to develop in near future that can help to increase their major efficiency of global products which will boost up the popularity of international tourisms all over the European market. Comparison of low cost airline carriers with traditional airline carriers of Europe will be made in order to utilise the difference in profit that can make a major impact in the boost of tourism services internationally across the world.

 [MM1]How do you know this? Please support with factual evidence.

 [MM2]Needs to be developed in more detail.


 [MM4]This dissertation defines….

In assisting to attract


 [MM5]Are you focusing on tourists travelling to a particular country/region?

 [MM6]What do you mean by this? Please be specific.

 [MM7]Lacks clarity.



 [MM10]Carried out/conducted using graphs and charts to illustrate…

 [MM11]What do you mean here?

If you are paraphrasing, make sure the information is clear.

 [MM12]Reviews where? Please be clear.

 [MM13]So you are following a mixed methods approach?


 [MM15]Review this sentence to ensure clarity.

 [MM16]On international tourism numbers into Europe

 [MM17]Analyse with regards to what


 [MM19]Do you mean visits?

 [MM20]What do you mean by international tourism? You need to specify.

 [MM21]General statement – why do you say this? You need to back this up.



 [MM24]Also, you need to define what you mean by traditional airlines.

 [MM25]Needs reworking to ensure clarity.

 [MM26]Do you mean a consortium or group?

To boost?



 [MM29]Needs reworking

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