Alice has a picture-based password system, where she has each user pick a set of their 20 favorite pictures



Alice has a picture-based password system, where she has each user pick a set of their 20 favorite pictures, say, of cats, dogs, cars, etc. To login, a user is shown a series of pictures in pairs - one on the left and one on the right. In each pair, the user has to pick the one that is in his set of favorites. If the user picks the correct 20 out of the 40 he is shown (as 20 pairs), then the system logs him in. Analyze the security of this system, including the size of the search space. Is it more secure than a standard password system? Charlie likes Alice’s picture-password system of the previous exercise, but he has changed the login so that it just shows the user 40 different pictures in random order and they have to indicate which 20 of these are from their set of favorites. Is this an improvement over Alice’s system? Why or why not?

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