Important points to follow:
You MUST include (a) full student name, (b) student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group and (e) page number on EVERY answer sheet.
Instructions to Candidates
1. All answers must be written in ink / by typing on the answer sheet provided. Pencils may only be used for drawing, sketching or graphical work. Complete the assignment neatly and make sure that all your work could be clearly displayed in a single PDF file before submission.
2. 3. MUST include (a) full student name, (b) student number, (c) subject code, (d) subject group (e) page number (begin each question on a fresh page) and (f) total number of pages on EVERY answer sheet Periodic Table, important constants and equations are given at the end of the paper.
4. Make sure that you have submitted the correct and entire PDF file for the subject concerned by the due date. Useful information of PDF file generation is available at Other submission method or other format will NOT be marked. Since there will be some technical problems in submitting documents to Moodle at home, such as the server handling capacity, please be reminded to submit the assignment earlier.
5. Make sure no missing page in your submission.
6. Only the last submission you made within the designated timeslot will be counted. Plagiarism and late submission will be penalized severely. Marks will be deducted for assignments that are plagiarized in whole or in part, regardless of the sources.
7. If necessary, students may be invited to provide more information on their submission.
8. Marks will be deducted if the instructions set out above are not complied with
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