All presentation SCRIPTS/OUTLINES to be submitted using the ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ via TurnItin by Monday 27th April 2020 08:00 QLD time



Type: Pre-recorded Online Presentation - technical or professional

Learning Outcomes Assessed: 2, 4, 5, 6

Due Date: 

·         All presentation SCRIPTS/OUTLINES to be submitted using the ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ via TurnItin by Monday 27th April 2020 08:00 QLD time (Monday Week 9)

·         A link to your pre-recorded online presentation must be included in the text box at the top of your ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ – due by Monday 27th April 2020 08:00 QLD time (Monday Week 9)

·         ALL PEER REVIEWS to also be submitted by Monday 27th April 2020 08:00 QLD time (Monday Week 9) – using the ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ SEE below

Weight: 50%

Marked out of: 50

Task Description:

For this assessment item you are required to:


1.       Prepare and deliver a 3 to 5 minute individual pre-recorded oral TEDtalk style online presentation telling a published or personal story which entertains, informs or inspires, and which is structured (hook, introduction, body, conclusion) and practised, and which relates to teaching or Teacher Identity and Role as discussed in class. You should deliver your story in ‘one take’ without editing your recording.

Upload your recording to YouTube and provide the link in the text box at the top of your ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’




·         The story needs to be appropriate to your audience of pre-service teachers. 


2.       Engage in observing and evaluating two peers’ presentations provided to you (see below), by providing constructive critical feedback on the template provided; and


Submit all materials (link to recording/script/outline/2 peer reviews) demonstrating your preparation for this task using the ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ provided.


Videos to peer review

Please find below the two videos you need to watch and peer review using the TEMPLATE form located below. You are to complete one form per video, collate both into ONE document and paste this information into the ‘DOCUMENT FOR SUBMISSION TEMPLATE’ by the above mentioned due date.


The 2 videos are:







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