Allowed languages: C, C++ Allowed libraries: stdio.h and stdlib.h(do not use any inbuilt functions) for C, and iostream for C++.

computer science


Instructions and Guidelines: 

• Test link: 

• Please do not copy from anywhere or anyone. Plagiarism from available sources on the internet will be checked(especially for question 1), and if found, you can get an F. 

• Allowed languages: C, C++ Allowed libraries: stdio.h and stdlib.h(do not use any inbuilt functions) for C, and iostream for C++. 

• Indent your code properly, use apt variable names and insert comments everywhere(especially in question 1) since your code will be checked manually to ensure that the implementation is correct. 

• For question 1, make sure that you implement a RB tree only and not any other balanced tree structure or else you will suffer a heavy deduction in marks for this question. 

• Try using scanf and printf rather than cin and cout, else you may get TLE. 

• Submit your code on moodle (in .c or .cpp format only)

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