An introduction that states the issue being debated, identifies the issue’s two or more sides, and usually offers an explicit thesis that the argument will support.



Argument Requirements

Directions: Select a topic that you would like to argue and create an argumentative essay about your topic.



       Must be written in MLA format (correct heading, title, Times New Roman, Size 12, Works Cited Page).

       Must be at least three pages.

       Include at least three  different sources (may use more).

       Must have a creative title

       The topic can NOT be about abortions or legalizing marijuana.

An argument has these features:

       An introduction that states the issue being debated, identifies the issue’s two or more sides, and usually offers an explicit thesis that the argument will support.

       An objective summary of opposing views, including their strengths.

       A point-by-point discussion of the limitations of your position.

       A summary of your viewpoint and your understanding of the issue.

       A point-by-point discussion of both strengths and limitations of your positions, arguing overall that yours is superior.

       A conclusion that drives home your thesis and looks to the future.

Argumentative Format:


Format 1


Opponent’s Argument

Your Position

Your Position

Your Position


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