An organization is carrying out its annual performance-based compensation review exercise.



An organisation is carrying out its annual performance-based compensation review exercise. You are the HR Team. You are required to recommend indicative % increase in pays. You have received staff’s performance ratings from their managers. You also have data on staff’s current role, band, demographic details and contractual details. While making any recommendations, you have to consider the following:

a. Available budget (mandatory)

b. Performance ratings (mandatory)

c. Current pay range (mandatory)

d. Experience in current role

e. Overall experience and/or seniority

f. Pay equity

g. Any other considerations deemed fit


The report should have the following components, at minimum.

a. Recommended pay increases

b. Methodology adopted to arrive at the recommended pays.

c. Rationale behind that methodology

d. Utilisation of available budget

e. Likely impact of the new pay levels on pay equity, staff morale, business, etc.

f. Analysis of staff pays before and after pay increment

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