Analyse experimental results using one method or derivative of a method explained during the intensive learning session. If you do not have experimental data and do not want to use the data developed in your oncampus or take home lab, then you must ask Dr Binns before 1 st September 2020 for a set of data.
For the experiment conducted:
1. Analyse all experimental data with a method detailed in the intensive learning sessions;
2. Determine if any of the experiments should be repeated, explaining why with direct reference to the analysis you have performed;
3. Design an analog/digital filter system appropriate for use in your experiment should you need to repeat it;
4. Determine and report on any ethical implications of the experiment conducted. If there is no requirement for formal ethics committee (either human or animal) approval, explain why;
5. Produce a professional quality report, including attention to spelling,
grammar, graphics and concise content.
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