Analysis of Fundamentals: Goals, Strategy, Market, Competitive Technology, Regulatory and Operating Characteristics



Throughout this course, you will prepare a 2,500-word (excluding tables, figures, and addenda) financial analysis of a chosen company following the nine-step assessment process introduced below and detailed in Assessing A Company’s Future Financial Health.

  1. Analysis of Fundamentals: Goals, Strategy, Market, Competitive Technology, Regulatory and Operating Characteristics
  2. Analysis of Fundamentals: Revenue Outlook
  3. Investments to Support the Business Unit(s) Strategy(ies)
  4. Future Profitability and Competitive Performance
  5. Future External Financing Needs
  6. Access to Target Sources of External Finance
  7. Viability of the 3-5 Year Plan
  8. Stress Test under Scenarios of Adversity
  9. Current Financing Plan

Note: It is best to select a company that is public and enjoys extensive analyst coverage (i.e., Apple, GE, Southwest Airlines, etc.) to ensure access to material regarding your subject company. The more information available, the easier it will be to perform the financial analysis.

As you conduct the analysis, you will research the market for data on your chosen company, including analyst reports and market information. Disclose all assumptions made in the case study (e.g., revenue growth projections, expense controls) and provide supporting reasons and evidence behind those assumptions.

Finally, in order to assess the long-term financial health of the chosen company, synthesize the research data and outcomes of the nine-step assessment process.

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