Analysis of Pepsi Canada




  • analyze a case study;
  • evaluate alternative marketing strategies;
  • demonstrate the decision essay model of case analysis;
  • critique alternative courses of action; and
  • support a course of action based on data presented in a case and from research.
  • Chapters 9 and 11
  • Note that students will need to purchase a bundle of case studies for the course from the publisher (Ivey Publishing) in which this case is included. Follow the instructions here to obtain the Ivey business case bundle before proceeding with this Unit's assignment.
  1. Analyze the Pepsi Canada case from the Business Case Analysis bundle, using the guidelines set out in Chapter 11 of the Ellet text.
  2. Review your notes on the structure of a persuasive problem essay. Be sure to include the four parts of a persuasive essay and the six parts of a decision essay (some are the same).
Analyze the Pepsi Canada case using the guidelines set out in Chapter 11.Write a decision essay (2000  words, double spaced, not including the title page or reference page)  explaining where Pepsi should go with its marketing program. You may use  the state-and-prove or the prove-and-state model for your essay, but  you must state which model you have chosen and why you selected that  model. Support your argument with at least three scholarly sources as  well as other sources. Use the organization described for your model on  page 135 or 136 of the Ellet text.


This assignment implements the design of the decision model essay of case study analysis presented in Chapter 11 of the text. The student will analyze a case on the marketing strategies of Pepsi Canada, making and supporting a decision on the direction that the company should follow in going forward from its Pepsi Refresh Project.

Materials Required:

Ellet, W. (2007). The case study handbook; How to read, discuss, and write persuasively about cases. Harvard Business School Press.

“Pepsi Canada, the Pepsi Refresh Project.,” Ivey Publishing, 2011


Preparation: How to Write a Case-Based Essay

Submission:  A Case Study Analysis – Decision Essay

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