Analytic Report on a Technical or Scientific TopicChecklist Adhere to the Format and Length requirements.

technical writing


Unit 7: P6 - Analytical ReportWriting Assignment #6: Core Assessment - Analytic Report on a Technical or Scientific TopicChecklist

  • Adhere to the Format and Length requirements.
  • Use the report format in Chapter 23 
  • Provide at least 10 references in the Bibliography.
  • Use the Park’s Online Library Databases as well as online search engines.
  • Submit paper in .doc or .rtf format.
Your report must include:
  • Letter of Transmittal: 1 page
  • Title Page: 1 page 
  • Abstract: 1 page
  • Introduction: 1 page
  • Body with section headings: 3-5 pages
  • Conclusions and Recommendations: 1 page
  • Bibliography: 1-2 pages – USE MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual Format
  • Glossary (optional): 1 page
  • Appendix (optional): 1 page
  • At least two visuals (photos, charts, tables, etc.) Use Chapters 12 and 13 for visual and page design standards and techniques.
Use resources from Park’s Online Library Databases as well as search engines like Yahoo (Links to an external site.) and Google (Links to an external site.), multi-search engines like Dogpile (Links to an external site.), full-text sources likeThe Electric Library (Links to an external site.), and government resources like Defense Technical Information Center (Links to an external site.) and The Library of Congress (Links to an external site.).

Format and Length:  Use the report format in Chapter 22 (Figure 22.4) in Lannon, single-spaced, standard margins. 

References:  Provide at least 10 references in the Bibliography; use footnotes or parenthetical citations to document information.

Potential Audience:  Your primary readers will be workplace managers who are semitechnical in their level of knowledge.

Discussion: Your text offers many suggestions for topics for analytical reports. You may select a topic of your choice, but it must be a “technical” topic that requires objective analysis of information.  

Your research proposal (Paper #2) will act as a vehicle for me to approve your topic and your plan for writing the report.

I am also assigning an Information Plan (Paper #3) to help you visualize the final product. Use your text to guide you in the process.

If you have any problem picking a topic, let me know immediately.

Attached documents are previous papers that have a topic the teacher has previously approved.

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