Analyze and synthesize how male and female leadership styles differ in the workplace



Write a 1- to 2-page summary and a bibliography page, which will be the basis of your final presentation. Include the following in your summary:

    • Explain the overall organization of your presentation, highlighting the specific theories, vocabulary terms, and concepts you will use.
    • Include the working examples and verbal citations you will use your presentation. Note that while you may add to these over the next two units, these ultimately should form the foundation for your final assignment.
    • In addition to your summary, submit a bibliography page containing at least ten scholarly, high-quality resources that will be included within your presentation.As you create your bibliography and summary, remember that the following should be covered in your final presentation:
    • How do male and female leadership styles differ in the workplace?
    • What gender barriers exist in the workplace?
    • What strategies can be used to minimize these barriers?
    • How can we promote effective leadership strategies and effective communication between men and women within the workplace?
    • Avoid placing too much or too little text on each slide.
    • Avoid overwhelming your presentation with too many pictures or with pictures that are too large.
    • Create speaking notes for each slide
    • Use a minimum of 10 slides, not including the bibliography.
    • The last slide should include your bibliography
    • Your ideas must be communicated in a clear, well organized manner so that your presentation can be understood and easily followed.
    • No plagiarism please, cite all sources APA format

Part 2

Create PowerPoint slides should include the following:

1. Analyze and synthesize how male and female leadership styles differ in the workplace.

2. Evaluate what gender barriers exist in the workplace.

3. Evaluate strategies that can be used to minimize gender barriers in the workplace.

4. Describe how to promote effective leadership strategies and effective communication between men and women in the workplace.

5. Evaluate strategies that can be used to minimize gender barriers in the workplace.

The slides should be creative, yet they need to also reflect your knowledge of the concept you have chosen to discuss.

Be creative, but:

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