Another method to address language barriers is to increase the number of outreach workers in organizations who speak Mam in order to build trustworthy connections with the community.



our project topic is The Impact of Migration and Refugee Status on Mayan Mam Women with a Focus on Reproductive Health

I want 2 or 3 slides on these two parts 

- The slides should not have alot of words 

La Clínica de la Raza 

La Clinica faces many challenges when it comes to offering services to the Mam population. One way they try to address this is by reevaluating and relearning about the Mayan Mam culture, language, history, and beliefs around health care in order to provide their services in the best way possible in the long term. Since the beginning of COVID-19 and shelter in place, La Clinica has made efforts to arrange appointments over the phone to promote social distancing. The East Bay Community Law Center partnered with La Clinica to create a video about COVID-19 in two Mam dialects and Spanish using the clinic’s doctors and Mam interpreters. This video seeks to educate Maya Mam communities about COVID-19, along with means to limit exposure.


San Antonio Neighborhood Health Center- La Clinica. (n.d.). Retrieved February 22, 2020, from

- Video


Another method to address language barriers is to increase the number of outreach workers in organizations who speak Mam in order to build trustworthy connections with the community. This includes conducting more outreach events throughout the year at the Cesar Chavez Library where they can get together to showcase their culture. Through consistent outreach, the Mam community has the ability to connect amongst each other and this gives organizations a chance to share information regarding services. By addressing the language barrier, Mam women and community members will have access to more information about existing services along with a sense of comfort that their cultural backgrounds are being taken into consideration.

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