Answer the questions below using the ACS.sav file in SPSS.



Answer the questions below using the ACS.sav file in SPSS.  This file is located under the 'Supplemental Materials' folder in the course content section of Blackboard.  It contains data from the 2017 American Community Survey. Take your time and double-check your answers; you can only submit once!  Good luck!


Using ACS2017.SAV, locate the respondent age variable. Recode into a new variable retaining all of the original values, but setting anyone age 40 and older to missing and anyone age 16 and younger to missing . Then, locate the total income variable.  Recode into a new variable retaining all of the original values, but setting anyone with an income of 0 or less and anyone with an income of 9999999 equal to missing.

How many (N) respondents are age 25? Provide your answer rounded to the nearest hundredths place (XX.X) and do not include commas.

What proportion of respondents are now set to missing in your new age variable?  Round to the nearest hundredths place (XX.X). 

Cumulatively, what proportion of respondents made $50,000 or less?  Round to the nearest hundredths place (XX.X).


H0:  There is no relationship between respondent age and income for respondents age 17 to 39 with a positive income.

HA:  Age and income are positively correlated for respondents age 17 to 39 with positive incomes.

What is the Pearson's Correlation Coefficient (R Coefficient) for these two variables?  Round to the nearest hundreths (X.X).

Are these two variables statistically significantly correlated?  Enter 1.0 for yes, 0.0 for no. 

Are these two variables positively or negatively correlated?  Enter 1.0 for positively, and 2.0 for negatively.

Would you say that the strength of the correlation between these two variables is A: Weak, B: Moderate, or C Strong?  Enter the letter.

Should we reject the Null Hypothesis?  Enter 1.0 for yes, 2.0 for no.

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