Anyone who has ever lived in Malaysia will tell you that one of the things they love most about this country is the food



Assignment Question


Anyone who has ever lived in Malaysia will tell you that one of the things they love most about this country is the food; the variety of cuisines, the rich of flavors, the endless dining options and the availability of them at all times.  With an ever expanding list of restaurants and cafes, the only thing to differentiate one from the other is by creating a unique experience for the customers.  Creativity is essential in order for businesses to not only sustain itself, but to draw in a good number of guest daily. A great way to leverage creativity for restaurants or cafes is to utilize a theme that is interesting and would be be able to draw in lovers and fans of that particular theme. Theme restaurants are restaurants in which the idea for the restaurant takes priority over everything else. It influences the architecture, décor, special effect, music, and overall “feel” of the restaurant. The theme may be further extended through the naming and choices of food, though food is usually secondary to entertaining guests.


The success of theme restaurant or café has attracted a lot of entepreneurs to do similar business. Your friend who is a young entrepreneur also has decided to venture in this kind of business but not sure what theme would be suitable.  Your friend has contacted you asking for your opinion and recommendation. 


As a marketing consultant you are required to conduct an investigation and to provide appropriate recommendations to him or her specifically on the following key areas:



  1. Evaluate the marketing environment in Malaysia and their impacts on the overall performance of the restaurant or café businesses.


  1. The suitable theme that your friend could venture and the proposed integrated marketing mix (7P’s) including a signature product or menu to be offered with justifications for his or her attention. 



You need to submit your findings and recommendations in report format to your friend. Your report should also contain reference to appropriate marketing concepts and models and is to be presented in the following format:



Title Page  

·         Include the title of the report, student name and ID, the name of the person the report is written for and the date and unit code (please refer to assignment writing guide given during orientation).



Table of Contents  

·         Include all headings, subheadings and page numbers used in the report



1.    Introduction

·         About the contents of the report.

                                                                                                 (3 marks) 


2.    The marketing environment in Malaysia and their impacts on the theme restaurant or café

·         To evaluate any THREE (3) dominant environmental factors that  affect the overall performance of the organization

                                                                                                    (15 marks)


3.    Background of the proposed theme

·         What is the theme? Where or how do you get the ideas? To provide adequate justifications to support.

                                                                                                      (7 marks)


4.    The target market profile

·         To provide detail description of the target market persona for the proposed theme restaurant or café. Description of the potential target market using combination variables of demographic, geographic, psychographic and behavioristic factors with good justification.

                                                                                                 (5 marks)


5.    The positioning strategy

·         Identify and justify a positioning strategy for the proposed theme restaurant or café that in your opinion you believe would be the most effective in attracting potential consumers.  Make sure you take into account of the target market.                                                                                                                        

                                                                                                                 (5 marks)


6.    The proposed marketing mix (7Ps)strategies

·         Product – including signature product, features, ingredient, brand name, packaging, labelling, etc.

·         Price – suggested retail price, price determination, price strategies

·         Place – location of the store, direct or indirect; type of stores, number of stores and etc.

·         Physical evidence – interior and exterior decoration, colours, equipment or material used, layout, uniform, tools, smell, building, etc.

·         People – the right number of staff or employees required, their skills, attitudes, knowledge, etc.

·         Process – the systems, procedures of delivering quality service

·         Promotion – advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations strategies you will use.

                                                                     (8 marks for each P = 56 marks)


7.    Conclusion

·         The conclusion is a summary of your report – summarized all the pertinent – purpose, and findings. These do not need to be lengthy but you should give them serious consideration. You need to make at least 3 very important points at the end of your report. This makes your work more complete and summarizes the key issues.

                                                                                                 (3 marks)


8.    Referencing

·         Include the quality and range of references used throughout the report and the correct format of referencing.       

                                                                                                 (3 marks)



***Additional note


v  Quality and range of references demonstrated through references to literature and depth of analysis are among the important criteria assessed.


·         The Harvard style of referencing MUST be followed.

·         Plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct will attract the maximum penalty allowed.

·         It is expected that you will have at least TEN (10) sources of information beyond your prescribed text and company/product information sources. 

·         Wikipedia is NOT to be used. 

·         Sources of information for this assignment:

o   Internet sites should form LESS THAN 10% of all sources used,

o   Text books should form about 30% of all sources used, and, academic journal should form AT LEAST 60% of all sources used in this assignment.



v  All recommendations need to be justified using appropriate marketing concepts or reflecting the critical environmental issues you believe a marketing strategy and plan need to consider in order for it to be successful.       Marks are awarded for how well you apply the theory from subject materials to the given scenario taking into consideration the issues outlined above in your answer.  You should not merely restate the information from the text or other sources nor should you merely restate what the company is currently doing – you need to apply the relevant concepts.


v  Presentation of  the report

Format, logical structure, language proficiency, and punctuation

                                                                                                 (3 marks)



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