APICS sought to examine the role that supply chain risk management plays in organizations and how risk management will evolve.



APICS sought to examine the role that supply chain risk management plays in organizations and how risk management will evolve. The goal overall of the supply chain risk survey was to determine the current real-world practice of supply chain risk at the level of APICS members and customers. More than 9,000 professionals were invited to participate in the survey, which took place from June through July 2011. The survey results reflect an approximate 6 percent margin of error at a 95 percent confidence level. The survey results reveal that risk management is still at an early stage of maturity and that there are gaps at the organizational-management level and the supply chain and operations management level. As supply chains become more complex, and as risk occurrence becomes potentially more costly, the importance of risk management increases. This report is developed by the APICS Supply Chain Council (SCC). Its research reports are based on practitioner surveys that explore trending topics in supply chain and operations management. They include survey results, analysis, tips and best practices to keep you and your organization informed of insights and innovations in supply chain and operations management. A

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