Apple Computer

computer science


The Apple Computer Company is one of the most innovative technology companies to emerge in the last three decades. Apple, Inc. is responsible for bringing to market such products as the Macintosh computer and laptop, the iPod and iTunes, and most recently, the iPhone. The success of the company can be traced primarily to a single individual, the co-founder, Steven Jobs. First, review the following case study: Steve Jobs and Apple, Inc. Then, respond to the following: Determine and explain what type of leader Steve Jobs was. Explain how his vision and values were reflected in his leadership style. Summarize the initial challenges he faced when starting Apple. Specifically, address Jobs’ strategy and implementation. Identify and explain the drivers for change in the personal computer industry. Discuss how Steve Jobs used partnerships and collaboration. Analyze Jobs’ approach to continuous process improvement. Determine what skills, ideas, and approaches might be useful in your own work/life situation.

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