Apple Social Responsibility Policy



This is the second component of your course project. In this assignment, you will return to the company-wide dilemma that you wrote about in the Unit 2 assignment. Please note that you will incorporate this paper into your final project, due in Unit 10.

For this assignment, consider how a company's social responsibility can affect the workplace, stakeholders, clients, and other outside parties.

In your paper, complete the following:

  • Explain in general terms how a company's social responsibility policy can complement its obligation to maximize profits for shareholders. Where might these goals conflict?
  • Explain how you think the ethical issue itself might be affecting employees, considering the specific company dilemma you discussed in the Unit 2 assignment. How about shareholders? Clients? Outside parties?
  • State the approaches to ethical decision making (as discussed in Chapter 2 of your text) you would recommend for creating a policy to solve the issue. Explain.
  • Write an overview of a company policy that could be created, based on this decision-making approach, to address the ethical dilemma.
  • Explain the effects your policy might have on employees, if the company actually used the policy you just described. What would be the effects on shareholders? On clients? On other outside parties? Please consider both the potential positive and negative outcomes.
Submission Requirements
  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting guidelines.
  • Length of paper: 750–1,500 words, or 3–6 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and Font Size: Arial, 10 point.
  • Below is my Unit 2 Paper. The company I choose is Apple

Review the Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Policy Scoring Guide to understand the grading criteria for this assignment.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

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