Apply critical and analytical skills required to undertake academic and applied management research in an organised way



Assesses Learning Outcome 1, 2, 3 and 6 

1. Apply critical and analytical skills required to undertake academic and applied management research in an organised way 

2. Evaluate a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods 

3. Identify and evaluate ethical issues in management research 

6. Develop academic writing and APA reference skills.

General instructions: 

In Assignment 1, you have written a research proposal which is related to a specific research area in management. For Assignment 2, you need to write an academic essay on your research proposal in Assignment 1. In Assignment 2, you are required to analyse the potential ethical issues in your research proposal and outline what actions you would take to minimise, eliminate or manage each issue. You will need to make reasoned inferences based on your analysis on the ethical principles in the conduct of research you have been given in class, together with other source references. 

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