Are you familiar with the “Forgot Login or Password” links that appear on websites?

computer science


Test Script


OK, the next set of screens we’ll look at represent what you might encounter if you clicked a “Forgot Login or Password” link one of Pearson’s login pages.

  • Are you familiar with the “Forgot Login or Password” links that appear on websites?
  • Have you ever had to use this link? Have you ever forgotten either your login or password?
  • What would you expect to see if you clicked on that kind of link?
  • OK, let’s give it a try… Let’s say that you arrived at the login page for a Pearson MyLab and clicked the Forgot Username or Password link. This screen is displayed:


Forgot Password

  • Is this what you expected to see? If not, tell me again what you were expecting?
  • Take a minute and look over this page… what are you supposed to do here? (enter email addy)
    • What email address would you normally use for a school-related site like this? Would you use your school email? Personal email? Would you create an email account just for this site?
    • OK, let’s say that when you created your account here, you used the following email address:
    • What do you think will happen when you enter that address on this screen? (will receive email… do users expect to stay in this browser, complete security questions, etc.)
      • OK, let’s give that a try… Go ahead and type in the email address for me.


Email Sent

  • Is this what you expected to see? If not, tell me again what you were expecting?
  • Take a minute and look over this page… what are you supposed to do here? (check email)
  • Does this information make sense?
    • On a scale of 1-5, how confident are you that you know what to do at this point? (5=confident)
    • What kind of information do you expect to see in the email that you’ll receive?



  • log into (pearson_student / OpenLab1)
  • OK, let’s take a look at the email that you received from Pearson.
  • Take a moment to read this message. Let me know when you’re ready to talk about it…
  • Is this what you expected to see? If not, what were you expecting?
  • In your own words, tell me what you’re supposed to do now? (click reset password)
    • On a scale of 1-5 (5=confident), how confident are you that you can follow these instructions?
  • What do you expect to see when you click that link?
    • OK, let’s give it a try...


Reset Password

  • Ok, take a moment to look over this screen. When you’re ready to talk about it, let me know.
  • What is your first reaction to this screen? Do you understand what you are supposed to do here?
  • Describe what information is being shown in that area with the x and checkmark icons? (password guidelines)
    • On a scale of 1-5 (5=useful), how useful is it to see that kind of information on this screen?
    • Would you expect to be able to make it go away once you knew what the password requirements are?
      • How would you expect to do that? (click PW guidelines link)
      • Would you prefer to see that information when the page loads, or would you prefer to click that link to see it? Why?        

        • Strength of preference on scale of 1-5 (5=prefer)
  • Do you think that you’ll see asterisks when you start typing a new password, or do you think you’ll see the actual text?
    • Which would you prefer? Scale of 1-5 (5=prefer)?
  • OK, show me how you would change your password here. Let’s use this for the password:
    • OpenLab1
    • What is the “Show Password” option for? What do you think will happen if you click it?
    • Give it a try..
      • Is that what you expected?
  • What do you expect to see after you click “Continue”?
    • OK, let’s give it a try….

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