As most system administrators, you would like to offer email notification to your users based on the event that triggers it.

computer science



As most system administrators, you would like to offer email notification to your users based on the event that triggers it. In a school environment, classes may be cancelled in a daily basis and the classes being cancelled may be posted to a web site and it is up to the students to check it out. If you do not check the class cancellation web site before heading to your class, you may be disappointed when you get there and find out that your class has been cancelled. It would be nice if you can get an email send to you for any class cancellations before you leave home for the class. For this assignment, you are going to write a python script to poll data from the class cancellation web site (any given web site, but you can use the web page here for testing purpose) and send an email to any body subscribe to you email notification service ( a sample subscription web page here that their classes have been cancelled.


Program Name and valid command line arguments

Name your Python3 script as ccn_[student_id].py. Create a symbolic link to your script as (e.g. use the command ln -s to create the link) so that you can refer to your script as Your script must accept one or more "web site" as its command line parameters and other optional parameters as shown below. Your python script should produce the following usage text when run with the --help option:

usage: [-h] [-s SITE] [-t {table,text}] [-n {table,text}] N [N ...]

Class Cancellation Notification System

positional arguments:

  N                     list of notification subscription sites to be


optional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  -s SITE, --site SITE  class cancellation web site

  -t {table,text}, --type {table,text}

                        type of class concellation data: table -> html table,

                        text -> plain text file

  -n {table,text}, --notification {table,text}

                        type of notification data: table -> html table, text

                        -> plain text file

Copyright 2020 - Raymond Chan


Replace the last line with your own full name

If there is one CCN subscription web page provided at the command line, read the subscription list from the given web page.

If there are more than one CCN subscription web pages provided, merge all the subscription list with the first one at the top and the last one at the bottom. Read and process the subscription list in that order in your program.

If no class cancellation site specified, default to

If no -t or -n specified, default to html table.

Sample subscription site:


All your Python code for this assignment must be placed in a single source file. Please include the following declaration by you as the script level docstring in your Python source code file (replace [Student_id] with your Seneca email user name, and "Student Name" with your own name):

OPS435 Assignment 3 - Fall 2019

Program: ccn_[Stduent_id].py

Author: "Student Name"

The python code in this file ccn_[Student_id].py is original work written by

"Student Name". No code in this file is copied from any other source 

including any person, textbook, or on-line resource except those provided

by the course instructor. I have not shared this python file with anyone

or anything except for submission for grading.  

I understand that the Academic Honesty Policy will be enforced and violators 

will be reported and appropriate action will be taken.

Modules you are allowed to use in your script for this assignment

the os, sys modules

the argparse module

Argparse Tutorial - should read this first.

Argparse API reference information page

the time module

Time module Tutorial

Time module API reference page

If you want or need to use other Python modules, please consult your professor to get the permission.

Sample Output

You python script should check the class cancellation notification site for any classes cancellation that are going to happen in the next 24 hours. If it identifies any classes, it should check the class cancellation notification subscription sites for any matches. If there is any matches, it should send an appropriate email to all the subscribers using the following template:

Dear <subscriber full name>,

     Your <class code> scheduled on <data and time> is being cancellated. Details about the cancellation can be found and confirm at <Class Cancellation Notification site>.

Your class cancellation notification team.

Message generated on <Date and time stamp>

The sample message should also be written to your CCN log file named ccn.log.

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