Unit 6: Immigration in the Twenty-First
As some of the readings in this
section point out, we are accustomed to discussing immigration as a political
issue, but not always as a humanitarian issue. Politicians debate immigration
policy or strategies for stopping the flow of illegal immigrants across our
borders. But abstract policy may seem difficult to apply when we see compelling
photos of refugees desperate to escape war, violence, or crushing
poverty—people who go to extreme lengths to reach foreign shores, only to be
turned back or to find themselves stuck in the limbo of refugee camps. Our
hearts may reach out to them, but we may also fear them because some of the
countries being fled are hotspots for terrorism.
For those immigrants who already
reside within our borders, shifting federal immigration policies and
enforcement priorities are sources of tension and concern. Some U.S. citizens
want to support federal immigration laws while others seek to create “sanctuary
cities” that protect illegal aliens from deportment. As the first reading in
this unit from the Washington Post demonstrates, even though there is no legal
definition of “sanctuary city,” many cities and counties enact policies that
limit cooperation with federal requests to detain individuals. Advocates for
sanctuary cities claim that such policies encourage trust in local law
enforcement by immigrant communities and therefore increase public safety.
Those opposed say that local law enforcement is hampering the federal
government’s ability to detain and deport dangerous individuals. Some
immigrants may be refugees from harsh conditions in their home countries, but
formal refugee status is quite difficult to obtain.
The readings in this unit ask you to
consider the issues and challenges of immigration in a country that prides
itself on its immigrant origins but sometimes has trouble welcoming people with
unfamiliar appearances, languages, and practices. How well is the United States
accommodating its immigrant populations? Are we doing enough to protect
Americans from those who might cause harm? Should we be opening our doors wider
to the citizens of other countries who are suffering? When determining policy,
what or whose concerns should take precedence
ARTICLE 1: Darlene Nicgorski, “Convicted
of the Gospel”
Darlene Nicgorski is a former nun who was convicted of sheltering
refugees from El Salvador and Guatemala in the early 1980s. She was a
leader in the Sanctuary movement of that era. This piece was published in
the September–October 2016 issue of Sojourners magazine, which describes
itself as sitting “at the intersection of faith, politics, and culture.”
On May 1, 1986, a federal jury found
nine church activists guilty of conspiracy to violate U.S. immigration laws for
assisting Central American refugees. At our sentencing, I faced a possible
25-year prison sentence.
The “sanctuary trial” drew national attention;
millions of Americans learned about the plight of Central American refugees and
the church-led sanctuary movement to aid them. After a seven-month trial and
our conviction, the judge suspended our sentence and gave us five years of
In the 1980s, our case hinged on the
fact that we knew that those arriving over the southern border were refugees
from brutal wars in Guatemala and El Salvador. I had worked in Guatemala and in
Guatemalan camps in southern Mexico. We placed refugees in communities of faith
where people met them as real people and learned why they had fled. We defied
U.S. immigration laws in order to protect life. We also challenged the Reagan
administration’s support of brutal regimes in Guatemala and El Salvador.
Today, most of the non-Mexican
undocumented immigrants coming over the border are from Guatemala, El Salvador,
and Honduras. Many are unaccompanied minors or single adults with children.
Many have legitimate asylum cases, but don’t have adequate legal representation.
5The new sanctuary movement is addressing four key areas:
First, assisting migrants when they arrive with basic needs and legal help.
Diocesan Migrant Refugee Services in El Paso, Texas, is the largest provider of
“Know Your Rights” information to refugees, particularly those staying in
community-run hospitality houses along the border. Without the assistance of
volunteers, usually church-affiliated, migrants would be on their own—or worse,
detained in for-profit prisons.
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