As the payroll manager at National Solutions, a ommunicL(,ns IirnL OU ‘.k4.klC to otgatUL the wee Ut



IndePendent Challenge 2

As the payroll manager at National Solutions, a ommunicL(,ns IirnL OU ‘.k4.klC to otgatUL the wee Ut

using Excel worksheets. You use a separate worisheet toi each ek aiil  tt houts to pkieS wdh 4ttetelt

joi) classifications. A hyper link in the worksheet

information that is displayed.  provides pay rates lot each clasiflcatiOfl. and Uh’tOflS v’CWS hmt the

a. Start Excel, open EX 6-4.xlsx from the location where you store your Data f des, then save It ¡s

EX 6.l*ImeCa1

b. Compare the data in the workbook by arranging the Week t, Week 2. and Week 3 sheetS horLLOnt

c. Maximize the Week 1 windoW. Unlock the houn data in the Week 1 sheet and proteCt th otlshee Vetty thai

the emplOYee names, numhe. and cLassifications cannot be changed. Verily that the total hout data cfl

changed. but do not change the data.

d. UnpîOtt the Week I sheet, and create a custom view called Complete WorkSh that dSp aU the data.

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