As you did for the basketball project, please give your interpretation of the degree of correlation between these sets of data and Win Percentage (Is the correlation positive, negative or non-existent?




1.      Baseball Media Market Rank (Size of Media Market) for each MLB Team in 2019

2.      Baseball Payroll Amounts spent for each MLB Team in 2019

3.      # of Homeruns hit by each MLB team in 2019

4.      # of Shutouts pitched by each MLB team in 2019

[including combined shutouts by multiple pitchers, not just complete game shutouts by one pitcher]           

5.      Errors committed by each MLB team in the field in 2019


a)      Pick any 3 of the sets of data from #2-#6.

b)      Please enter all of the 2019 MLB season data for your Dependent Variable and chosen Independent Variable categories on an Excel spreadsheet (The numbers can be copied and pasted from the website if you would like).  Each set of data should be under a different column with Heading. 

c)      On the Excel spreadsheet, calculate the correlation coefficient between the chosen Dependent Variable and individual Independent Variables:

a.      select an empty cell

b.      at the top of the screen left-click on Formulas and choose More Formulas, then Statistical

c.       choose the CORREL function and fill in each array with the cells holding the Dependent Variable and the Independent Variable

d)      As you did for the basketball project, please give your interpretation of the degree of correlation between these sets of data and Win Percentage (Is the correlation positive, negative or non-existent?  Is the correlation very high, high, moderate, or low [weak]).  Please give concrete examples from the data for each of your chosen independent variables that support the level of correlation.  Are there outliers in the data that seem to contradict the overall correlation values for the category or are the results consistent?

e)      How did the results differ from your expectations beforehand regarding the degree and/or direction of correlation between each of your chosen variables and Win Percentage? Again, please give specific examples.

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