Asia Pacific University is one of the private leading university in Malaysia.



CASE STUDY: Staff Training Management System. 

Asia Pacific University is one of the private leading university in Malaysia. It has more than 11,000 students on campus with more than 200 staff working for the university. The university has proposed to have a Staff Training Management System to replace their manual training management system. 

Currently all the processes of training management are handle by the Human Resource Department (HR). There two types of training; internal training and external training. To conduct the training, the individual or company needs fill up a Training Request Form (pdf format) which can be downloaded at the university website. This form will be emailed to the HR and feedback on the application will be given within five working day. If the proposed trainings were approved, HR will blast an email to the intended Academic Leader at School level to acknowledge about the new training. The Academic Leader will inform all the staff about the training. 

To apply for the training, the staff will fill up Training Nomination Form which they can download the form from the faculty website. The approval of the training application needs to go through two levels; approval from the Academic Leader and Head of School. This form will send to the HR. 

The HR department will manage the application accordingly in terms of payment, date/time, venue, and applicants of the training. Once everything is confirmed, HR will send an invitation email to all applicants. The applicants can either accept or decline the training invitation. If the applicant decides to decline the invitation, he or she needs to provide a reason and it has to approve or reject by the HR. Usually when there is a decline the Academic Leader will find a new staff who is willing to replace the empty spot. 

The propose system should replicate the stated manual processes. Besides that, it also should have the ability to filter the trainings according to the staff requirements or skills. Use your creativity to add extra requirements/improvements (if any) that will complete and enhance the system functionality which benefits Asia Pacific University

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