Assess and identify employer branding techniques




 Assess and identify employer branding techniques

 Assess online recruiting best practices

 Examine strategies for recruiting a more diverse workforce

 Identify various methods used for external recruitment


This assignment will use the readings and discussions as a base for externally researching and

evaluating company web sites which use a variety of recruitment methods and techniques.


Dessler, G., Chhinzer, N., and Cole, N. D. (2014). Human resources management in Canada, (12th

ed.). Toronto: Pearson Canada.

 Review chapter 6 of the course textbook


1. Visit YouTube to view the following video on employer branding: Talent2 Trends - Employer


2. Select and visit three company web sites of your choice (not including the textbook example of

McDonald’s on page 145) and review their approach to employer branding. Conduct research in

order to get information to address the following questions:

a. Of the three, identify one that is exemplary (i.e. makes you want to apply) and one that

requires improvement (i.e., makes you question whether you would want to work there). 

What were your reasons for making these choices?

b. How does your research of these web sites relate to the YouTube video?

c. How have these companies incorporated social media to support their branding?

3. Select and visit two new company web sites of your choice (different from the ones chosen

above) and review their approach to online recruiting.  Conduct research in order to get

information to address the following questions:

a. What best practices are being used? (refer to page 160 in the textbook)

b. What is being done (if anything) to recruit a more diverse workforce?

4. Select and visit two additional web sites that would be classified as internet job boards,

executive search firms, or online networking sites.  Conduct research in order to get information

to address the following questions:

a. What type of external recruitment method is being used on these web sites?  What is the

reason for your classification? 

b. What is the usefulness of this type of web site to potential candidates?

5. You are to gather the information and write a formal business report containing a site-by-site

summary of the trip.  The itinerary will identify the sites visited and topics covered.

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