1. Assignment Description Your team is asked to prepare a structural analysis report to the principal engineer, by using the knowledge you learnt from this course. You are expected to use Matlab and an FEM commercial software of your choice for the structural analysis (including static analysis and free vibration analysis).
The task is 2D preliminary design for a multi-level commercial project in steel structure. It is sustaining the vertical point load from non-structural elements (given in the Table 1), the horizontal point load (given in the Table 1) from unexpected sources, and the uniform distributed loads from floors.
Four assessable items are required which are including three presentations and one final report. The timeline of your presentations have been specified in your subject outline and details of the presentations are introduced in separate files. The length of this report shall not to be more than 10 pages (excluding the title page and Appendix). The content of the report should be including but not limited to:
1. The deformation shape of the structure under static loading.
2. Bending moment diagram of the frame.
3. Locations of the critical positions. Critical locations must be identified and the reasons for such selection should be discussed.
4. Result comparison for critical locations between your Matlab code and FEM commercial software.
5. Reactions at the support.
6. Determine the first ten natural frequencies of the structure. Your team is expected to compare your Matlab results with the FEM software results.
7. Presentations of the first ten mode shapes.
8. Convergence studies for both static and free vibration analyses.
9. Potential issue of the current analysis.
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