Assignment: Theory Exercise Use Chapter 2 for this Assignment. Look at the below activities: Assaults in bars Disorderly youth at a movie theater Shoplifting at the mall



Assignment: Theory Exercise Use Chapter 2 for this Assignment. Look at the below activities: Assaults in bars Disorderly youth at a movie theater Shoplifting at the mall Red light running Auto theft in a residential neighborhood Selecting one of the above types of activity, develop questions that need to be answered to analyze each aspect of the problem analysis triangle: Crime Offender Victim Place Handler Guardian Manager Instructions: Each assignment response needs to be 500- 1000 words, with APA 6thedition citations and references. Do Not Use MLA or any other form of reference. Remember each assignment post needs to be submitted as an attachment. The assignment should be written in 12’ font, using Times Roman. The font must be uniform and not consist of several different fonts. 

Margins will also need to be 1 inch. The papers must be written in the third person. Do not write I or us in your paper. If you are stating your opinion, you need to use the term “this student.”The student must download the assignment document and should follow the directions for each separate project. Each assignment response should be completed and uploaded as an attachment to the professor in the student's Student Folder by the due date as a WORD DOC. Please submit these assignments as attachments and save them as under their assignment designation, i.e., assignment 1, assignment 2 with your full name. For example, John Smith Assignment 1Each assignment will need to include the following information:·the original question at the top of the essay·the body of your answer in several paragraphs·A titled reference section that has been formatted according to APA 6thed style. i.e.References·A minimum of three references per assignment. 

One reference can include the textbook. However, you will need to include two additional academic sources which can include academically based books, journals, and government papers being acceptable. Examples of journals include: Journal of CriminologyCrime and Public OpinionJournal of Criminal Justice and Public PolicyJustice Quarterly: JQYou will not be allowed to use web pages or web groups such as Wikipedia found at, as the information contained in these web pages are academically questionable. 

Furthermore, you will not be permitted to cite encyclopedias, dictionaries, web pages or questionable origin, newspapers (unless permitted) and popular magazines. It is important to remember that this is a college-level class and you are required to submit college-level work which is backed up with the academically credible material. If you have a question about the quality of a potential resource, please e-mail me. Most of this material that you need can be found in the AMU library. You are encouraged to use the library to locate the material required. Additionally, at the bottom of this syllabus is a list of acceptable organizations and groups found on the World Wide Web which you can use to find material for your assignments.

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